Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - Websydian v6.5

Abstract.PageGenerator Function

The Abstract.PageGenerator function is a Page Generator pattern prepared for Session Management, i.e.Page Generator functions in the Websydian application will implement Session Management by inheritance from this Pattern.

The Abstract.PageGenerator pattern is based on the WSYBASE/ReplacementProcess building block to which a SessionID field is added as input to the function as well as to the local Details region.  In the action diagram code, the SessionID in the Details region is assigned the value of the SessionID input field.

In addition, a SessionID field is added to the Grid region (if any Grid fields are defined).  In the action diagram code, the SessionID in the Grid region is assigned the value of the SessionID input field.

The SessionID fields should be omitted from the generated Document Templates for the Session Page Generator functions.
