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WsyStructure Entity

The WsyStructure pattern is used to implement a parent/child structure in multiple levels where a node can have multiple parents as well as it can be linked to multiple children.  The underlying BSTRUCTURE/_Structure pattern will check that no circular references are specified.

The WsyStructure pattern can be used for a number of different purposes, e.g. implementing a structure of categories and sub-categories in multiple levels (as it may be seen in an advanced web shop).

The WsyStructure pattern extends the BSTRUCTURE/_Structure pattern with a web interface.  In this way, the WsyStructure pattern makes it possible to browse a structure of nodes by navigation in a menu list.

The WsyStructure pattern implements a frame set function containing a menu list frame and a node list frame.  The details list frame contains the child nodes of the selected node, while the frame list menu contains the path of nodes leading from the root node to the selected node.