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FrameSetPageGenerator Function

With the FrameSetPageGenerator pattern, Websydian provides support for specifying web applications using HTML frame sets.  By defining a Page Generator function based on the FrameSetPageGenerator pattern, HTML frame sets can be specified including any number of HTML frame documents.

The description below outlines how to specify a frame set including two HTML frames, both generated by Websydian.

Define Frame Set Page Generator

A frame set is an HTML construct which divides the browser window into a number of HTML frame documents with each frame being a separate HTML page.

In Websydian, a frame set is specified by inheritance from the FrameSetPageGenerator pattern.  For each document to be included in the frame set, an Event Handler function must be included/comprised by the Frame Set Generator.  These Event Handler functions usually do nothing else but calling the Page Generator for each of the frame documents to be included in the frame set.


MyFrameSet is a FNC FrameSetPageGenerator
includes FNC CallTopFrame
option NME
...value SYS
WSYD Generate frames as rows
impl name NME FramePag
file name NME FramePag

The WSYD Generate frames as rows option specifies whether the frames will be included in the frame set as rows or as columns (default set to columns).

The CallTopFrame and CallBottomFrame functions must be specified as Event Handlers and they must be declared by the Dispatcher function as well:

MyFrameSet.CallTopFrame is a FNC EventHandler
MyFrameSet.CallBottomFrame is a FNC EventHandler
MyDispatcher calls FNC MyFrameSet.CallTopFrame

Specify Calls to Frame Page Generators

For each Event Handler included in the Frame Set Page Generator, open the action diagram and add a call to the corresponding Page Generator function generating the HTML frame document.

Generate and Build

Generate and build the Dispatcher function, the Frame Set Page Generator function, and the Event Handler functions and Document Template Generator scoped under the Frame Set Generator.

Run Document Template Generator

From the Generate and Build window, run the Document Template Generator of the Frame Set Page Generator function.