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WebEditDialog Entity

The WebEditDialog entity pattern corresponds to the FOUNDATION/EditDialog pattern for Windows client development, and inheritance from the pattern will provide a full Web maintenance suite for the entity which it has been applied to.  The WebEditDialog entity pattern is most of all a 'show-case' pattern to illustrate the similarity between Windows and Web development.

Implementing the WebEditDialog pattern is easy.  Essentially, all you need to do is to let entities that need the web edit functionality inherit from the WebEditDialog pattern.


Specification of Department entity

The Department entity inherits from the WebEditDialog pattern.  Three Page Generator functions are inherited and each of them includes a number of Event Handler functions.

Calls-triples must be declared from the Dispatcher function to all implemented Event Handler functions scoped in the WebEditSuite.

Validation functionality is included in the ConfirmInsert and ConfirmUpdate Event Handler in patterns.  If one or more validations fails, the library function ErrorPage will be called displaying standard error messages for the failed validations.  This ErrorPage function from the WSYBASE library could then be replaced by an Error Page function defined by the developer.


Department.WebEditSuite replaces FNC
...by FNC
WebErrorPage is a FNC ErrorPage

In the example above, all references to the ErrorPage function is replaced by references to WebErrorPage.  This will happen for all functions scoped by the Employee.WebEditSuite.