Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

API: Language.GetLanguage

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
LanguageCode Input Input This parameter specifies the language in which the texts will be retrieved (e.g. specify German to retrieve the German version of the language description). This is not the identification of the language to retrieve.

Specify a blank value to retrieve the base values of the texts.

LanguageCode FetchKey Input This is the identification of the language to retrieve.
SiteKey FetchKey Input This identifies the site the language belongs to.
LanguageDescription FetchedData Output The name/description of the language - this is the text that will normally be used in lists and drop down boxes.
SiteKey FetchedData Output The site the language belongs to.
ImagePath FetchedData Output Specifies where an image file (e.g. a national flag) that can be used to select the language is stored.
LanguageCharacterSet FetchedData Output The encoding that will be used when the language is selected.


Retrieve information about a language. As languages belongs to a site, both the site and the language must be specified to retrieve the information.

As language information can be stored in language dependent variants (like any other translated entities), you can specify the language for which you want to retrieve the information. If the language information is available in the specified language variant, the translated texts will be returned - if not, the base information will be returned.


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