Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

API: Language.TranslateLanguage

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
LanguageCode TranslateTo Input The unique identification of the language which the texts are translated to.
LanguageCode LanguageToTranslate Input The identification of the language you want to translate the texts for.
SiteKey LanguageToTranslate Input Specifies the site the translation will belong to.
LanguageDescription FieldsToTranslate Input The name/description of the language - this is the text that will normally be used in lists and drop down boxes.
ImagePath FieldsToTranslate Input Specifies where an image file (e.g. a national flag) that can be used to select the language is stored.

This can be translated to ensure that cases where the image contains a text can be handled.

NumberOfErrors Error Output If the validation has returned any error messages in the ErrorArray variable, this parameter will specify how many texts are available in the array.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(10) Output Any textual descriptions of validation errors that the API has returned. The number of texts available are specified by the parameter NumberOfErrors.


The language entity is itself a translated entity. This means that you can create translations for the values of some of the fields registered for a language.

For example if you have created the a language with the language code English - and the Language Description "English", you can create a German translation, where you specify the Language Description "Englisch".


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