Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

API: User.Update

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate. Input Input The unique identification for a user (mandatory).
UserFolderListID Input Input The identification of the folder list to be assigned to the user (optional).
EmailAddress Input Input The e-mail address to be assigned to the user (mandatory).
LoginName Input Input The identification the user must use when logging in to the site. The login name must be unique for the site (mandatory).
FullName Input Input The name of the user (mandatory).
UserSitekey Input Input The site the user is defined for (mandatory).
UserStatus Input Input The status the user will be assigned. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F)  (Mandatory).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of messages in the ErrorArray output variable.
ErrrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output For each error a text describing the error is written to the output variable ErrorArray.


The API offers the possibility to update values for an existing user. Before doing the update the API User.UpdateValidation is called.

If the validation fails a non-successful value is written to *Returned status and a message can is written to ErrorArray. If the validation is successful the *Returned status is set to *Successful and the update is done.

Please note that if you want to update the password for a user you will have to use the web server API PasswordUpdate.

If you just want to update the state of the user you can use the server API UserStateChange instead.

Please note that if you do not specify a value for the folder list (UserFolderListID), the user's session will have a folder list assigned based on the roles assigned to the user. This means that unless you want to override this behavior, you should just leave this input field blank.


Universal events