Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5


Scoped name



Use this when you need an ErrorPage that does not use a presentation.


When an error pages inherit from ErrorPageForProcess, Websydian Express will find the template for the error page in exactly the same manner is the rest of the templates for the presentation that is being used by the business process. This means that if you have one presentation where the template suffix is set to _FIRST and another where the suffix is set to _SECOND, you will have to have two different templates for the error page (one with the suffix _FIRST - and one with _SECOND.

In many cases, the content of the error pages will be exactly the same - which means you will end up with a potentially large number of identical templates - with different names. This is obviously not a desirable thing - as it means that maintaining the templates will be unnecessarily complicated.

By inheriting from ErrorPageNoPresentation, you ensure that you will only need to have one template for the error page - on the other hand you loose the capability of having special version based on the presentation (but you can of course have several error pages).

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