Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Setup WebsydianExpress for Windows Development Environment

Add Websydian library models to group model and extract

Add the following Websydian pattern libraries to your group model:

Library model Location Licensed
WSYBASE [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYBASE Yes
WSYAPI [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\Express\WSYAPI No
WSYEXTJS [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\Express\WSYEXTJS No
WSYVAL [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYVAL No
WYSINTEG [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYINTEG No
WYSSESS [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYSESS No
WSYUSER [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYUSER No
WSYUTIL [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYUTIL No
SDSTRING [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\SDSTRING No
WSYHTTP [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\WebDeveloper\WSYHTTP No
WSYTMPL [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\Express\WSTTMPL No
EVENTLOG [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\Express\EVENTLOG No

If you will be developing web services for WebsydianExpress you will also need to add the following Websydian pattern libraries:

Please note a separate license is required for developing web services for WebsydianExpress.

Library model Location Licensed
WSYDOM [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\TransacXML\WSYDOM Yes
WSYAPIWS [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\Express\WSYAPIWS No
WSYXML [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\TransacXML\WSYXML No
WSYSOAP [Websydian Install Folder]\development\Plex6.1\Patterns\TransacXML\WSYSOAP No

When done adding the Websydian libraries to your group model make sure that you extract the new libraries into your local model.

Setup model configuration

Open the "Model Configuration" dialog and set the Variant, Version and Level of the Websydian supplied libraries according to the following table:

Library model Variant Version Level
WSYAPI ODBC Server v3.5 v3.5
WSYBASE DWA - Windows v6.5 v6.5
WSYVAL Base v6.5 v6.5
WYSINTEG Base v6.5 v6.5
WYSSESS Base v6.5 v6.5
WSYUSER Base v6.5 v6.5
WSYUTIL Base v6.5 v6.5
WSYHTTP Windows v6.5 v6.5
SDSTRING Windows v6.5 v6.5
WSYTMPL Windows v6.5 v6.5
If you also attached the WSYAPIWS library model for developing web services for WebsydianExpress, please check the Variant, Version and Level of the following libraries:
Library model Variant Version Level
WSYAPIWS Base v3.5 v3.5
WSYDOM Windows v6.5 v6.5
WSYSOAP Base v6.5 v6.5
WSYXML Base v6.5 v6.5

Configure Generate and Build Options

System Properties (32-bit C++ build)

Setup the pre-built C++ library files in the CA Plex local model. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the "System Definitions" dialog located under the "Generate and Build Options".
  2. Select the "System name" with "System type" WINNT and press the "Properties" button
  3. In the "32-bit C++ Build" section activate "Use pre-built libraries" if not all ready activated.
  4. Add each of the library files listed in the following table to the "Libraries" field. Make sure to add the full path of each library file and delimiting each library file by a semicolon (;)
    Library file Location
    websyd.lib Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\lib
    wsydxml11.lib Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\lib
    wsydxml11_dll.lib Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\lib
    wsexpress35.lib Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\lib
  5. Add the Websydian header folder "<Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\include" to the field "Header Directories"
    Header files Location
    Websydian header files Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\Plex6.1\include
C++ library files are referenced by file name whereas header files are referenced by the name of the folder where they are located.

Libraries by Example

An example of a libraries string. Shown with line breaks for convenience. Copy and paste to notepad, replace location of Websydian and CA Plex installation and line breaks then copy and paste to CA Plex "System Properties".


Header Directories by Example

An example of a directory string. Copy and paste to CA Plex "System Properties" and replace location of Websydian.


Setting up Windows C++ based Template Generator

Copy required objects and folders to your GEN folder

A number of objects are required to be in your GEN\Release folder in order for the Template generator to run. These objects are supplied with the Websydian installation and is placed in the sub folder named TemplateGenerator\PlexX.X\GEN

Websydian template generator folder structure

The folder structure of the Template Generator supplied with Websydian

  1. Copy all files and folders from the GEN folder of the Websydian installation to the GEN folder of your local model.

Ensure correct settings for the Template generator in the Websydian.ini file

The Websydian template generator uses a configuration file named Websydian.ini which is located in your GEN\Release folder.

  1. Using notepad open the file named Websydian.ini located in your GEN\Release folder of your local model, locate the TemplateGenerator section

    TemplateGenerator=c:\Websydian\Websydian v6.5\TemplateGenerator\TemplateGen.cmd
    MetaTemplatePath=c:\Websydian\Websydian v6.5\TemplateGenerator\metatemplates\

  2. Check the following folders and file references are valid

This is a reference by path and file name to the script used in order to execute the actual template generation.


The template generator requires that you specify the location of the meta templates that will be used during the template generation.


This is the location where the final templates are created by the template generator.


This is where the template generator will save the XML files that hold information about your model and is used by the template generator to create the final templates.


This is the location where the final templates are created by the template generator, used by the _DocumentTemplateGenerator.

Ensure correct path to the Template Generator runtime in the Ob600RC.ini file

In order for the CA Plex IDE to execute the Websydian template generator you need to add the path of the Websydian template generator runtime to the Ob600RC.ini file located in your GEN\Release folder.

  1. Using notepad open the Ob600RC.ini file located in your GEN\Release folder of your local model and do a search for path=
    [International Settings]
    Uppercase Input=False
    Uppercase EBCDIC Input=True
    PNL directory path=.;c:\Websydian\TemplateGenerator\Plex6.1\wincruntime

    ; If IniFileReadOnly is True and this file is really read-only then updates to this file will not be allowed
    DLL directory path=.;c:\Websydian\TemplateGenerator\Plex6.1\wincruntime
  2. Ensure that the PNL directory path and DLL directory path includes to correct location of the wincruntime folder available with the Websydian template generator.

Multiple folders are separated by a ; (semicolon).