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Order Catalog Example Database


The Order Catalog example uses a simple database to store information about the catalogs and the orders placed by customers.

Each database file is described in the following sections.


The structure of the database is outlined in the figure below.

Order Catalog database

Each database file is described in detail in the next section.

Database Files


Filename: WICATAPF

Description: Contains the catalogs that can be ordered by customers.

Field Name Format Description
CATNAME Name 15A The name of the catalog.
CATDESC Description 256A A textual description of the contents of the catalog.
CATIMAGE Image filename 50A Catalog image filename.
Fields in table WICATAPF


Filename: WICUSTPF

Description: This is an extension table to the User table in WebsydianExpress. When a customer registers himself in the Order Catalog example a record is created in the WebsydianExpress User table and in the Customer table.

Field Name Format Description
USERSGT Customer number 15P Key that identifies the user. This key refers to the User table in WebsydianExpress.
COMPANY Company 50A Name of the customer's company.
ADRLINE1 Address line 1 80A Address of the customer.
ADRLINE2 Address line 2 80A Address of the customer.
CITY City 50A City of the customer.
STATE State 50A State where the customer resides.
ZIPCODE ZIP/Postal code 25A ZIP or postal code of the customer.
COUNTRY Country 25A Country where the customer resides.
NEWSLTER Receive news letter 1A Determines whether the customer wants to receive news letters. Valid values are 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no.
Fields in table WICUSTPF

Order Header

Filename: WIORDHPF

Description: This is the order header table.

Field Name Format Description
ORDHSGT Order number 9P Unique key that identifies the order.
ORDSTATE Order state 1A The state of the order. The following values are legal:
  • '1': The order is created but not yet confirmed by the customer.
  • '8': The order is confirmed by the customer and is ready to be shipped.
  • '9': The order has been shipped to the customer.
USERSGT Customer number 15P The customer who placed the order.
Fields in table WIORDHPF

Order Detail

Filename: WIORDDPF

Description: Contains the orderlines for the orders. Each orderline will specify how many catalogs that should be shipped to the customer.

Field Name Format Description
ORDHSGT Order number 9P Reference to the order header.
ORDDSGT Orderline number 9P Unique key that identifies the orderline within an order.
QUANTITY Quantity 4P Specifies the number of catalogs that should be shipped.
CATNAME Catalog name 15A References the catalog that should be shipped.
Fields in table WIORDDPF