Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Installing WebsydianExpress for Windows

Step 1: Prerequisites

WebsydianExpress installation program

Make sure that you have the latest version of the WebsydianExpress for Windows installation program.


WebsydianExpress supports current versions of Windows workstation and server supported by Microsoft.

SQL Server

This version of WebsydianExpress requires Microsoft SQL server 2000, 2005 or 2008. If you do not have one installed we recommend installing the Microsoft SQL 2008 Express Edition.

Servlet Engine

A servlet engine is required to run WebsydianExpress. If you have not all ready installed a Servlet Engine we recommend installing the Apache Tomcat servlet engine.

Step 2: Install the WebsydianExpress components

Execute the installation program Express_v3.5_Windows.exe. That will start the installation process for installing and configuring the WebsydianExpress components.

  1. Press the Next button
  2. Select the location where you which to install WebsydianExpress
    Press the Next button
  3. Read and accept the license agreement of Sun
    Press the Next button
  4. Read and accept the license agreement of WebsydianExpress
    Press the Next button
  5. Verify the settings on how you will access WebsydianExpress from your browser
    If in doubt just leave the default settings
    Press the Next button
  6. Select the SQL Server where you which to install the WebsydianExpress database
    In addition to the specified catalog, a sample databased named [WebsydianExpress catalog name]Samples will be created.
    Press the Next button
  7. Verify the settings of database connection and regional settings
    If in doubt just leave the default settings. However, it is important that you specify the decimal separator used by your server programs/database.
    Press the Next button
  8. Verify the settings to be used by the Websydian Server
    If in doubt just leave the default settings
    Press the Next button
  9. Verify the settings to be used by the Application Services
    If in doubt just leave the default settings
    Press the Next button
  10. Verify the settings to be used by the Web Server Component (Websydian Web Server Component)
    If in doubt just leave the default settings
    Press the Next button
  11. Press the Install button

The installation program will now perform the following tasks:

During the installation you will be prompted to deploy the Websydian Web Server Component on your Tomcat make sure that you reply Yes to this prompt.

In some cases, the install function will not be able to identify the Tomcat location (especially on Win 7) - or the location specified in the registry is wrong.
In these cases, you will be prompted for the location of the Tomcat. Specify/select the top folder of the Tomcat installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0).

If you forgot or selected not to install Tomcat locally prior to running the installation program; install Tomcat and run the program Pack.exe found in the library <Target Dir>\Web Server Component. Make sure that you leave all parameters unchanged and when prompted to deploy the Websydian Web Server Component on the installed Tomcat reply Yes.

Step 3: Deploy the Web Server Component, images and static html files (only required if not using Tomcat locally)

During the installation the installation program creates the required Web Archive file (WAR-file) to be used to deploy the Web Server Component servlet to the servlet engine selected.

Information about where to locate the WAR file to be used is displayed on the web page being generated by the installation program.

For information on how to deploy the WAR file please consult the documentation of the selected servlet engine.

Please note that if the hostname of the computer where the installation program is being run corresponds with the hostname of the Web Server Component and an instance of the Tomcat Servlet Engine has been installed the installation program will prompt the user for automatically deployment of the Web Server Component servlet.

Step 4: Start the WebsydianExpress service jobs

The install program have created a number of shortcuts in the Windows menu

Starting WebsydianExpress for Windows

In order to start the WebsydianExpress select the menu shortcut "Start WebsydianExpress"

Step 5: Access the WebsydianExpress demosite and administration interface

After starting WebsydianExpress the available sites can be accessed by entering the following web address in your browser:


Make sure that you replace the '<HostName>' with the host name of your computer

Login with user Customer and password Customer to login to one of the sites and access the administration interface.

The web address used in this example is based on the default settings used by the installation program.

In order to access the administration part of the demosite append /admin to the url


Make sure that you replace the '<HostName>' with the host name of your iSeries

Login with user WSADMIN and password ADMIN in order to access the administration interface of the demosite.


How to stop WebsydianExpress

In order to stop the WebsydianExpress select the menu shortcut "Stop WebsydianExpress"

Obtain a license for the Websydian Server

By default the WebsydianExpress is installed with an unregistered license of the Websydian Server providing 10 concurrent sessions.

You have the option to obtain a registered version for 10 concurrent sessions for free that enables you to find a starting point on the number of concurrent sessions required by your applications.

For pricing on concurrent sessions please contact info@websydian.com.

Uninstalling WebsydianExpress

The following are the steps to complete in order to completely remove WebsydianExpress v3.5 for Windows from your system

  1. In the Tomcat directory locate the webapps directory and remove the express35.war file
  2. In the program files directory locate the directory Websydian and delete the directory named "Express v3.5 for Windows"
  3. In the SQL Server remove the databases "WebsydianExpress35" and "WebsydianExpress35Samples.
  4. In the Data Sources (ODBC) (Located in the control panel under Administrative tools) under System DSN remove the data source named "WebsydianExpress35_S"

Troubleshooting WebsydianExpress Installation

If you are having problems installing WebsydianExpress please contact Websydian support at support@websydian.com and attach the following information: