Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0008 - Uncatched message

Error message

Uncatched Message in Function &1, Called Function &3, MessageID &2.


&1 - Name of the function detecting the error
&2 - Message ID (identification of the specific error message)
&3 - The function throwing the message


The message handling built into the framework ensures that all errors reported by a called program is registered and handled in the calling program.

However, in some cases an unexpected error can occur - which has not been handled (as it was not foreseen). In these cases the calling program will terminate and report this error.


The original message creating the error can be found using the menu point "Events" in the administration menu.
Check whether this message explains the problem.

If both functions are part of the delivered runtime object, can be identified by the WS suffix - please contact Websydian Support - as there is a situation, which ought to be handled.