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WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0057 - Unknown error type

Error message

Unknown error type. Error &3 in function &1 calling &2.


&1 - The function receiving the error
&2 - The called function throwing the error
&3 - The error, which could not be identified


A function (&2) has reported an error (&3), which could neither be identified as a valid message (error) or as a standard error reported by a Plex function.
The calling function (&1) is not able to handle this situation - and has terminated.


Contact the developer responsible for the functions.


One possibility in iSeries implementations is that this can be an error code thrown by the RPG program - a number of error codes (e.g. 00201) can be returned by RPG programs. If the unknown error is just a number you might want to check the iSeries documentation to check whether this could be such an error.