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How To Include Pages

This information is for RPG Developer/2E Developer.

Include pages are used to reuse partial templates and the functionality used to populate and generate them.

Include pages can also be used in situations where you want to have more than one grid on a page. In this case you can make a "parent" page containing details fields and events placed outside the grid region, you can also let this page contain one grid region.

Make an include page for each additional grid you want to show in the parent page.

The include pages are included in the parent pages by inserting a special replacement marker:

/(INCLUDE-xxx) - where xxx is replaced by the name of the child template.

When the program handling the parent page encounters a replacement marker of this type, it calls a program generating the HTML for the specified child page - and replaces the replacement marker with the generated HTML.

Please note that this means that as well as populating the values used by the parent page before calling the WritePage API for the parent page in your RPG program, you must also populate the values for any child pages you have included in the parent page.

You can't include an include page in another include page.