Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Maintain Content Loaders


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu items: Content loaders→Business processes / Framesets / Menus.

This page gives you the opportunity to update and create the content loaders known by the system.

The content loader concept is described in detail here.

There are three types of content loaders in the system. The menu item you have selected determines the type of content loaders that is being handled.

The types are described in more detail in the Concepts section.

1. Name

A name for the content loader - used for identification in lists.

2. Program name

The implementation name of the entry point (program name) into the function. This is information that must be supplied by the developer.

3. Description

A textual description of the content loader.

4. Comment

An optional text field, which can be used for storing further information about the content loader.

Grid Page

On the Grid Page information about all content loaders of the selected specific type is shown.

The content loaders are shown in name/program name order. You can position the list by the name by entering the first part of the name in the "Start with" field and press "Find".

By entering a text in the "Search for" field you can limit the list to records containing the entered text in either content loader name, program name, or description.

In addition to the standard Insert, Update, Delete, and View actions you can select to see and update all presentations defined for a specific content loader. The functionality is described here.


On this page you can update the information for an existing content loader.

Please note that the program name should only be changed after consulting the developer in charge of the content loader as it must correspond to an implemented program object.


When pressing "Delete", you will first be shown a confirmation page, where you can either confirm or cancel the deletion.

To avoid deleting active content loaders you will not be allowed to delete any content loader, which is referred from one or more presentations.

You can see the presentations used by the content loader by selecting "Presentations" for the content loader in the grid.


Used when a new content loader is to be made available for the system.

Information about the program name must be obtained from the developer in charge of the new content loader.


As you will always need at least one presentation for a content loader, the system can create a default presentation as part of the content loader creation. This presentation name will be set to the same value as the name of the content loader. There will not be defined any template override name or suffix.

A default presentation is created if the check box "Create default presentation" is checked when you press "Insert".