Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Custom Fields


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Site Configuration→Custom fields

Custom Fields offer the opportunity to dynamically extend WebsydianExpress data entities. Currently, the Role and the User entities can be extended.

By defining a custom field for an entity, you specify that the field should be handled by the administration interface as if it was part of the basic WebsydianExpress entity. You can define a number of properties for the field, such as optionality, field length, validation and format functions etc.

The following fields can be updated for a custom field:

Basic information


Specifies the entity that is to be extended by the custom field.

Field Name (ID)

The identification of the custom field.


A short descriptive text for the field.


A comment (it is recommended that you use this field to explain the use of the custom field).




This is the text that will be written to the page when the field is shown (in the administration interface).

Size of input field

Specifies the length of the input text box shown on the page for the field (in the administration interface).

Format output using function

The implementation name of the function that you want to use for converting the data saved in the database to the format shwon on the page (e.g. a function converting the date 20071231 to 31/12-2007).

If no function is specified, the value is shown just as it has been saved to the database.

You can specify the function by either entering the implementation name of the function in the input field - or by pressing the select button to the right of the field. Pressing the select button loads a pop up window, where you can select a function that has already been defined or create a new function and select this function. This function also provides the option to maintain existing functions.


Specifies whether the field is to be shown as an input field or as an output field on the detail pages.



Max Length of entered value

Specifies the maximum length of data that can be entered for an input field.


Specifies whether the field is optional or mandatory.

Validate by function

The implementation name of the function used to validate the value entered for the custom field.

This function is called whenever a value for a custom field is entered in the maintenance pages in the administration interface.

If no value is entered, the field is not being validated.

You can specify the function by either entering the implementation name of the function in the input field - or by pressing the select button to the right of the field. Pressing the select button loads a pop up window, where you can select a function that has already been defined or create a new function and select this function. This function also provides the option to maintain existing functions.

Convert input using function

The implementation name of the function used to convert the value entered for the custom field to the format which should be stored in the database (e.g. a function converting the data 31/12-2007 to 20071231).

If no function is specified, the value is saved to the database as it has been specified in the input field.

You can specify the function by either entering the implementation name of the function in the input field - or by pressing the select button to the right of the field. Pressing the select button loads a pop up window, where you can select a function that has already been defined or create a new function and select this function. This function also provides the option to maintain existing functions.

Grid Page

Use the "Search for" field to limit the records shown to records containing the specified text in the Field Name or the Description fields.

The "Start with field name" can be used to position the list.

Use the "Extending" drop down to control whether you want the list to show all custom fields defined for the site or only to show custom fields for a specific entity.


This page can be used to update the data for a specific custom field. Please note that if a custom field has already been used (had values assigned for one or more records) - then the Field name can't be changed.


Using this function, you can delete the custom field. Please note that doing so also deletes all values specified for this custom field. The records are physically deleted form the database - so care should be taken to only delete custom fields if it is certain that they are no longer to be used.


Use this function to extend the entities with new custom fields.