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Maintain Languages


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Language Support→Languages

Use this business process to create and maintain languages that can be assigned to sessions in WebsydianExpress.

Grid Page

This is the entry page for the maintenance of languages.

The grid shows the language information. The records are ordered by the language code.

Entering a value in the "Search for" field and pressing "Find" limits the data in the grid to records, where the language code or the language description contains the value entered.

Entering a value in the "Start with" field positions the grid on the record immediately following the entered value (based on the language code).

For the image assigned to the language, both the path and the image itself is shown. If a path is specified and no image is shown, the path does not specify an image.


Press "Update" for a record in the grid to change the language information.


Pressing "Delete" for a language in the grid leads to a confirmation page, where you can either confirm the deletion by pressing "Delete" or avoid deleting the language by pressing "Cancel".

A language can't be deleted if it is referred by a user, a folder or is specified as the default language for the site.


Pressing Translate for a language in the grid opens a pop up window where you can translate the description (name) and the image path of the language.

Translating the description makes it possible to present e.g. drop down boxes containing the languages in the language of the user.

The translation of the images is probably a bit more theoretical, but there might be cases where the image is only suitable for specific languages.


Pressing "Insert" on the grid page leads to a page, where you can create a language.


Language code

The unique identification of the language, we recommend using ISO 639-2 language codes - but it only to avoid possible conflicts.


The name of the language. This will be shown in lists and drop down boxes.

Image location

You can specify the image location of an image you can show to indicate the language. Often this will be a flag, but it can be any image.

Please note that this is a location on the webserver. You can either enter an absolute URL specifying the location like this:


Or as a relative URL like this:


On the grid page, both the entered path and the resolved image are shown. If a path has been entered, and no image is shown, the path does not point to an image and must be changed.

Together with the WebsydianExpress installation, a folder containing a large number of small flag icons has been placed on the web server. The flags are placed in the /res/flags folder.

Character encoding

The encoding can't be specified for the Windows and the Windows/iSeries variants of WebsydianExpress. The encoding field will not be present in these variants.

The language for these variants will always be determined by the language specified for the server running the application service jobs.

You can use the encoding to distinguish between the encoding of the pages sent to the user. In this way, you can handle several languages that does not use the same encoding in one WebsydianExpress site.

The WebsydianExpress runtime will convert all data that in the generated pages to the specified encoding.

The encoding field is not case-sensitive, before using the value, it will always be lower-cased.

If you do not specify any encoding for a language, the data sent to the user will be in the encoding used by the application service job.

If all your languages are using the same encoding, there is no reason to specify anything in the encoding field.

Examples of encodings, you can specify: iso-8859-1, iso-8859-2, utf-8.