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Package Lists  


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Global Settings→Java Package List

The package list maintenance is only relevant for Java installations.

Package lists are used to make it possible for the runtime to make dynamic calls to EventHandlers, ProcessEntryPoints, DynamicChildPageGenerators, and CustomFieldFunctions.

The package list must contain all packages that contains either EventHandlers, ProcessEntryPoints or DynamicChildPageGenerators.


The following fields can be updated for the package list custom field:

Basic information

Package name

The full name of the package (e.g. com.websydian.express.client).

Grid Page

The grid page shows the packages that are currently registered in the package list.

The list consists of a user defined part, which is shown at the top of the list and a system defined part, which is shown at the bottom of the list.

Only the user defined part of the list can be updated and the update and delete buttons are only shown for records in this part of the list.

The order of the packages in the package list is not significant.


Use the update page to update the name of the package.


Use the delete page to remove a package from the package list.

Please note that doing this means that all dynamic calls to functions contained in this package will result in an error.


Use the insert page to insert a new package in the package list. As the order of the packages is insignificant, the package will just be inserted at the bottom of the user defined part of the list.