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Maintain Users


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: User Management→Users

This function is used by the administrator to maintain the users defined for the current site. That is, only users defined for the current site - the site you are logged into - are shown. All Users for this site are shown.

Grid Page

The grid shows information about the users currently defined in the current site.

The status of the user is shown by an icon - green if the user is active, red if the user is inactive.

The grid is ordered alphabetically by "Login name". You can position on a "Login name" by entering the start of the name in the "Start with" field and press "Find".

You can search on "Login name", "Full name", and "Email address" by entering a search text in the 'Search for' field and press Find.

Choosing a role or a status in the drop-down lists for "Users for role" or "Users with status" will only show users with the chosen role assigned or status.


Basic Information

The page shows all the information about the user, and it can be updated.

The login name can be changed. This is relevant if e.g. an e-mail address is used as the login.

The current password is not shown, but the password is changed if a value is entered.

If no value is entered for the password the current password will not be changed.

This makes it possible to update user information without knowing or updating the user's password.

The user status can be changed. This must be done if the account has been deactivated because of too many failed login attempts.

The status can be set to inactive, thereby denying a user access without having to delete the information for the user.

Advanced Information

A folder list can be defined and it will be used for this user. The folder list will override all folder lists defined for the assigned roles. If no folder list is defined, the folder list defined for the assigned roles will be used for the user.

If at least one language is defined for the site, a drop down box where you can select the language of the user will be shown.

Status Information

In this section, read-only information about the user, such as when the user were created and when his last login has occurred are shown.

In addition to this, any read-only custom field that has been defined for the user entity in the current site will be shown as output fields in this section.

Custom Fields

If any editable custom fields has been defined for the user entity in the current site, these field will be shown in a separate section. The fields will be validated and formatted according to the information specified using the administration process Site configuration→Custom Fields.

If no editable custom fields has been specified for the user entity, this section will not be shown.


The page shows the available information for the user with the option of confirming the delete of the user.

You are not allowed to delete your own account.

Care should be taken deleting users as the user information is removed from the database and any application specific data that references the user (e.g. an order header) will then refer to an unknown user.

Alternatively, the update functionality can be used to set the user account to inactive.


The page shows the information, that can be defined for the user.

Basic Information

Default value for the user status is "Active". If you wish to create a user without giving the user access to the site right away you must set the status to "Inactive".

Advanced Information

By specifying a folder list for a user, you ensure that all sessions, where this user logs on, will use the specified folder list. If you do not specify a folder list for the user, the folder list will be determined by the folder list assigned to the roles that is assigned to the session.

If at least one language is defined for the site, a drop down box where you can select the language of the user will be shown.

Custom Fields

If any editable custom fields has been specified for the user entity in the current site, the fields will be shown as input fields in this section. If there are no such custom fields defined for the user entity, the section will not be shown.

Assign Roles

For each user you can assign roles. It is possible to assign an unlimited number of roles.

Roles control the pages, business processes, presentations and menus a user will be shown.

By pressing the Roles button in the grid or on the update page, a popup window is shown.

This popup window has two grids, the left shows the roles specified for the site, while the right shows the roles currently assigned to the user.

You add or remove roles for the user by selecting the roles in the grid and press Add/Remove or by using the Add all/Remove all buttons.

Please note that the roles are not assigned or removed before the Apply button is pressed. If you press the Cancel button or closes the popup window, no changes will be made to the roles assigned to the user.

Special Considerations

Please note that by changing the data for the user you might make it impossible for the user to access the site.

This can of course in some situations be the aim of the update. But care should be taken in other situations - especially when updating Login name, Password, Roles, or Folder list for a user as these have a significant impact on how the user will experience the site.


The following fields are used on the pages:

Login name

The text the user enters as identification, when logging in. The login name identifies a user uniquely for a specific site. E.g.: the user's name or email address.


An existing password for a user will never be shown. But it can be set to a value when creating or updating a user.

Full name

The full name of the user.

Email address

The email address used when contacting the user.

User status

Can have three different values - "Active", "Inactive" and "TooManyFailedLogins".
Unless the status is active, the user can't access the site.
The user's status will be set to "TooManyFailedLogins" when the user has entered an incorrect password 3 times without entering the correct password.

Folder list

Defines how the templates will be found for this specific user.


The language that will be assigned to the session when the user logs in.

Please note that the language will only be shown if at least one language is defined for the site.

You can select either a specific language, *Base, or *Site.

If you specify a language, the runtime will search for translations for this language. If no translations are found, the base version will be used.

If you specify *Base, the runtime will not search for any translations. The base version will always be used.

If you specify *Site, the runtime will start by using the default language specified in the site settings. This can also be either *Base or a specific language. If the language on the site is changed, the language shown for the user will also be changed.

Status Information

Displays information about when the user was created, and when the user were logged in the last time. These fields are updated automatically.

Related Information

Users and Roles
Background information about users and the role based authorization system of WebsydianExpress.
Folders and Folder Lists
Background information about Folders and Folder Lists.
Custom Fields
Introduction to Custom Fields.
Language Support
Overview over Language Support in WebsydianExpress.