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Wizard Functions


A part of the administration functionality has been built as wizard functions. These functions aim to lead the user through a number of steps needed to execute a specific task.

No updates to the database will be executed before the wizard function has been finished. This means that you at any time can choose to exit the function by pressing "Cancel".

All of the wizard functions have got a number of actions in common. Each page can contain one or more of these actions. The functionality of these actions are independent of the specific page. These actions are described below.

Common actions on the pages


Stops the execution of the wizard. All entered values are removed and no updates are done to the database.

If you use the "browser back" functionality to return to a wizard page after having pressed "Cancel" - all attempts to use an action on that page will result in an error.


Use this button if you want to go to the next page in the wizard.

Before the next page is shown the entered/selected data will be validated. If the validation is successful, the next page will be shown. If the validation results in an error the current page will be redisplayed, with information about the error at the top of the page.

The database is not updated - the values entered/selected are only stored in temporary storage.


At any page, which you have reached by pressing "Next", it is possible to return to the previous page by pressing "Back". Pressing "Back" discards any values entered on the current page.

When you return to the previous page, the previously entered/selected values will be shown.


Validates the data entered/selected on the page containing the "Finish" button. If the validation is successful, the database is updated and the wizard ends.

If the validation results in an error the current page will be shown again - with information about the error.

If you use the "browser back" functionality to return to a wizard page after having pressed Finish (and the validation has been successful) - any attempt to use an action on this page will result in an error.