Improved license handling of Websydian Server
It is now possible to configure a content loader in the administration module by setting properties on the presentations defined for the content loader. At runtime the content loader will load the properties for the current presentation and use these to determine what to do.
Please note that a content loader will only read those properties that it is designed to fetch.
WebsydianExpress 2.1 comes in a Plex 6.0 variant. The main reason for this is that it then is possible to develop business processes using Plex 6.0.
Please be aware of that on the Windows platfrom business process developed in Plex 5.5 cannot be deployed in the WebsydianExpress Plex 6.0 variant. If you want to use Plex 5.5 then download the version of WebsydianExpress that targets Plex 5.5.
This also means that it is not possible to mix business processes from Plex 5.5 and Plex 6.0.
Deep-linking without context is now support for URL site elements.
For security reasons previous versions of WebsydianExpress maintained a table of valid events that where allowed to be executed by WebsydianExpress.
This part of WebsydianExpress has been redesigned so the valid event table is no longer necessary. This has the positive effect that the following is no longer needed:
Several improvements to the licenses handling of the Websydian Server.
One major change is that the license file can be backed up and restored without destroying the license file.
New API functions introduced to get information about presentations and properties for presentations.
With WebsydianExpress v2.1 you can develop business processes in Plex 6.0.
Please be aware of that on the Windows platform it is not possible to mix business processes from Plex 5.5 and Plex 6.0.
In most cases the load time of the site structure tree has been decreased as it now users lazy load (tree is loaded as users expands elements).
With the introduction of properties on presentations the administration interface has been extended to support maintenance of properties.
In order to create new presentations quickly it is now possible to create new presentations from existing ones. This will also copy the properties on the presentation.
Miscellaneous improvements to the administration pages for better cross-browser support.
The authorization level used in previous release of WebsydianExpress for authorization and access control has been replaced by a true role system.
When a user is created one or more roles will be assigned to the user. Roles are also assigned to site elements in the site structure tree, and a user will have access to all site elements that has at least one role which is also assigned to the user.
As a consequence of the role system the concept of an anonymous user has been introduced. The anonymous user is specified in site settings in the administration interface, and is used when a user access WebsydianExpress, but hasn't yet logged in. Thus the roles for the anonymous user is assigned to sessions where no user has logged in.
For more information about users and roles please look in Users and Roles.
Custom fields are used to extend certain tables in WebsydianExpress with additional information. E.g. if you want to assign a phone number to all users in WebsydianExpress, then create a custom field with the relevant properties (label, length, etc) and assign it to the user table. The phone number will then appear on the user maintenance pages in the administration interface.
Currently users and roles can be extended with custom fields.
For more information about custom fields please look in Custom Fields.
A new callback function UserAfterLogin has been created. UserAfterLogin is called just after a user has logged in and the session has been updated with the user's roles.
For more information about the new callback function look in Callback Functions (applies only to Plex developer).
It is now possible to transfer parameters to a business process. This is useful when using the new deep-linking feature but also when using menu services.
For more information about creating business processes with parameters please look in:
The API set in WebsydianExpress has been extended partly because of the introduction of roles and custom fields, but new APIs has also been introduced for existing features in WebsydianExpress.
For more information about API functions please look in:
With the dynamic child pagegenerator you are able to create child pages that can be added to any page within your WebsydianExpress v2.0 without the need to generate and build the pagegenerator where it is inserted.
Deep-linking is when you link into a web application from an external application. This is now possible with WebsydianExpress 2.0.
You link to business processes in the site structure tree and have the option of either loading the business process in the entire browser window, or loading the business process in the context defined by the site structure.
For more information about deep-linking please look in Deep Linking.
WebsydianExpress now supports a 3-level menu loader.
Thus you can define a menu structure with submenus in the site structure tree and the 3-level menu loader will then load a tree-like menu where sub-menus can be expanded and collapsed.
You can find more information about using the 3-level menu loader in Create 3-level Menu.
When using the default menu loaders in WebsydianExpress the menu item last selected by the user will be highlighted. This helps the user to navigate the site. Even if the user refreshes the browser page the selection will still be highlighted.
When using deep-linking with context to a menu item in the site structure the menu item will also be highlighted in the menu.
In previous versions WebsydianExpress would reload the site when the user refreshed the browser page. This has now been changed so WebsydianExpress will instead reload to the last select menu item.
To protect the administration site against changes in the site structure the administration interface is now accessed using a separate URL (appending /admin to the site URL) and the site structure for the administration interface cannot be accessed using the administration interface.
Thus if the site should no longer be accessible due to changes in the site structure, then the administration site can always be accessed so it is possible to recover from accidental changes.
The overall usability of the administration interface has been improved; e.g. reduced load time times for the site structure tree, the whole menu item group is now clickable instead of just the icon, and other minor improvements.
The create site wizard has been greatly improved thus making it much easier and less error prone to create new site in a WebsydianExpress installation.
The add site element and update site element wizards launched from the site structure tree has been improved with respect to usability.