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DWA Configuration Sheet


Application Services Configuration Sheet

Websydian Server Section
IP Address The IP Address used by the Websydian Server to monitor incoming connections. See the Websydian Server Configuration Sheet.
TCP Port The TCP port used by the Websydian Server to monitor for incoming connections. See the Websydian Server Configuration Sheet.
Application Service Section
IP Address The IP Address used by the Application Service to monitor incoming connections.
TCP Port The TCP port used by the Application Service to monitor incoming connections.
Application Service Listener The implementation name of the Application Service Listener in the model of the application.
Service Name The unique name identifying the application to the Websydian Server and Relay Service.
Number of Services to start The number of Application Services to be started. The command starting the Application Service uses the TCP Port parameter to identify the first port and adds one to the TCP Port starting as many Application Services as specified.
Document templates path The path describing the location of the document templates used by the Application Server. Make sure the path ends with a backslash for windows and a slash for java and iSeries.
Date and Time formats
Date format The date format used by the application.
Time format The time format used by the application.
TimeStamp format The timestamp format used by the application.
iSeries Application Service Specific Section
Thousand Separator Thousand separator to be used for input fields.
Decimal Separator Decimal separator to be used for input fields.
Code page of document templates Code page of document templates located in the Integrated File System (IFS).

Further information on valid code pages can be found here.

iSeries Job Information Section
Job Name iSeries Job name to be used.
Job Description iSeries Job Description to be used.
Job Queue iSeries Job Queue to be used.
Initial Library List iSeries Initial Library List to be used.
User User used by Submit Job function.
  • *CURRENT, User logged in
  • *JOBD, User specified on job description
  • Username