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DWA Configuration Sheet



Relay Service Configuration Sheet

Websydian Server Section
IP Address The IP Address used by the Websydian Server to monitor incoming connections. See the Websydian Server Configuration Sheet.
TCP Port The TCP port used by the Websydian Server to monitor incoming connections. See the Websydian Server Configuration Sheet.
Application Service Section
Service Name The unique service name identifying the application to the Websydian Server and Relay Service. See the Application Service Configuration Sheet.
Relay Service Section
Command IP Address The IP Addressed used by the Relay Service to monitor for incoming connections requesting a command to be issued. The command port is used to issue commands to the Relay Service like the Suspend command that suspends the processing of requests.
Command TCP Port The TCP port used by the Relay Service to monitor for incoming connections requesting a command to be issued.
Relay Service Log Section
Log Level The log level used by the Relay Service. During testing set this to TRACE otherwise set this to ERROR.
Possible values are TRACE, ERROR, INFO, WARN, or FATAL.
Log Filename The file name used by the Relay Service to store log information. File located on the computer running the Servlet Engine.

Use slash ('/') for delimiting directories.

Servlet Deployment Parameters
Servlet Name The name used to identify the Relay Service (servlet) to the servlet engine. This name will become the filename of the property file.

No spaces or special character are allowed.

Servlet Display Name Short description of the Relay Service servlet used by the servlet engine.
URL Complete URL to service the application.

Note that the URL is case sensitive.

Property file path The final location of the property file used by the Relay Service (servlet) on the computer running the servlet engine.

Use slash ('/') for delimiting directories.