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DWA Configuration Sheet

Websydian Server Configuration Sheet

Websydian Server Section
IP Address The IP Address used by the Websydian Server to monitor incoming connections.
TCP Port The TCP port used by the Websydian Server to monitor for incoming connections.
Password The password used when issuing commands to the Websydian Server. The Websydian Server receives commands to do different tasks like the Term command that terminates the Websydian Server.
License file The file path and name used by the Websydian Server to locate the license when running Websydian Server Basic, Pro or Enterprise.
Logging Section
Log level The log level used by the Websydian Server. During testing set this to TRACE otherwise set this to ERROR.

Possible values are TRACE, ERROR, INFO, WARN, or FATAL.

Log filename The file name used by the Websydian Server to store log information.
iSeries Specific Section
Java version iSeries Java version to be used.

Possible values are 1.4 or 1.5

Websydian home directory Location of the Websydian java runtime in IFS of the iSeries.
Job name iSeries job name to be used, it is displayed when issuing the Work Active Job command (wrkactjob)
Job description The iSeries job description to be used.
Job queue The iSeries job queue to be used.
Initial library list iSeries Initial library list to be used
User User used by submit job function.
  • *CURRENT, user logged in
  • *JOBD, User specified in the job description
  • Username