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Starting Websydian Server on iSeries

Version 1.0, November 2003


This document describes how to deploy, tune, and troubleshoot the Websydian server on the iSeries.

Please note, this document regularly is subject to changes.

It is required that the user deploying the Websydian Server has knowledge of the iSeries. Especially with reference to job management.

The Websydian Server is the main component of the Distributed Websydian Architecture. For further information on the Websydian Server read this document.


In order to start the Websydian Server a number of issues have to be addressed. Please make sure the following prerequisites have been performed or verified.

OS/400 software

Make sure that OS/400 V5R1 or later with the latest cumulative PTF package is installed, contact IBM for information pertaining the latest cumulative PTF package.

Make sure that the following OS/400 software features have been installed on the iSeries

Information pertaining installed software features can be listed by issuing the command

===>DSPSFWRSC [Enter]

Websydian runtime objects

Make sure the Websydian runtime objects are installed, including the latest PTFs on the iSeries including the java runtime files for the DWA environment which are to be placed in the integrated file system (IFS).

For further information on installing the Websydian runtime on the iSeries read this document.

Distributed Websydian Architecture Configuration Sheet

Make sure to print and fill out the DWA Configuration Sheet before proceeding. The DWA Configuration Sheet is a way to get an overview of all components required in the Distributed Websydian Architecture (DWA) prior to the deployment.

The bullet numbers, e.g. , found in this document refers to the DWA Configuration Sheet.

Starting the Websydian Server

The Websydian Server is started by issuing the command STRWS that is located in the Websydian runtime library.

Add the Websydian runtime libraries to the library list, making sure that the library WSYD600PTF is located before the library WSYD600.

===>ADDLIBLE WSYD600 [Enter]




Submit the Websydian Server using the STRWS command followed by F4.

===>STRWS [F4]

                     Start Websydian Server (Java) (STRWS)                     
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Websydian home directory . . . .  '/websydian/WSYD600'                        
 Websydian Server IP Address  . .  *LOCALHOST                                 
 Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .  08189         Character value               
 Websydian Server Password  . . .  SECRET        Character value               
 Log level  . . . . . . . . . . .  TRACE         TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR...   
 Log filename . . . . . . . . . .  '/websydian/WSYD600/logs/ws.log'            
 License file path and name . . .  '/websydian/WSYD600/license/license.key'    
 Java version . . . . . . . . . .  1.4           1.3, 1.4                      
 Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .  DWAWSSVR      Character value               
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F10=Additional parameters   F12=Cancel      
 F13=How to use this display        F24=More keys                               

Press Page Down (PgDn)

                     Start Websydian Server (Java) (STRWS)                     
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Job description  . . . . . . . .  WSYDJOBD      Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     WSYD600      Name                         
 Job queue  . . . . . . . . . . .  QINTER        Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     QGPL         Name                         
 Init library list  . . . . . . .  *JOBD         Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD...      
 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  *JOBD         Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD         
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F10=Additional parameters   F12=Cancel      
 F13=How to use this display        F24=More keys                               

Verifying the Websydian Server

After starting the Websydian Server verify that the Websydian Server is listening to the port required.

The main location to verify the state of the Websydian Server is in the log.

Using the command WRKLNK you are able to view the log file of the Websydian Server

WRKLNK '/Websydian/WSYD600/logs/*' [Enter]


                             Work with Object Links

 Directory  . . . . :   /websydian/WSYD600/logs

 Type options, press Enter.
 2=Edit   3=Copy   4=Remove   5=Display   7=Rename   8=Display attributes
 11=Change current directory ...

 Opt Object link            Type     Attribute     Text
    wsydsrv.log             STMF

 Parameters or command
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel   F17=Position to
 F22=Display entire field   F23=More options


Select option 5 in front of the wsydsrv.log file for view and press enter.

 Edit File: /websydian/WSYD600/logs/wsydsrv.log                                 
 Record :       1   of       3 by   8            Column :   30     99 by  74    
 Control :                                                                      
CMD 3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....0.... 
    ead-0:INFO] - License info: Websydian Server Unregistered Basic expires at   
    ead-0:INFO] - DWA protocol: Version 2.1.                                    
    ead-0:INFO] - Waiting for connection on              
 F2=Save   F3=Save/Exit   F12=Exit   F15=Services   F16=Repeat find             
 F17=Repeat change  F19=Left  F20=Right                                          

Input 30 in column and press enter.

The log file shows all communication with the Websydian Server, note this is only the case when log level is set to TRACE. Make sure that the statement "Waiting for connection on" is located in the log. is the IP address used by the Websydian Server and the yyyy is the port tn which the Websydian Server is listening.

If the information is not in the log file or the log file is not available please proceed to the Troubleshooting Websydian Server section of this document.

Troubleshooting the Websydian Server

First step in order to troubleshoot the deployment of the Websydian Server is trying to use the command RUNWS.

The RUNWS will start the Websydian Server interactively enabling the user to view any error messages produced by the java environment. The command interface of the RUNWS command differs only with regards to submit job information.

Next step in Troubleshooting the start of Websydian Server on the iSeries is primarily based on information found in the log file.

If the log file is not created make sure the path is correct and that the user starting the Websydian Server, specified on the job description, has the correct authority to the directory where the log file is to be located.

Errors pertaining the start of the Websydian Server which is based on job description problems or other iSeries related problems can be identified by doing the following.

  1. Check the output queue QEZJOBLOG for any spool files that are related to the iSeries job servicing the Websydian Server.

    Use the command WRKOUTQ to view the contents of the output queue QEZJOBLOG



  2. Check for the existents of a QPRINT spool file created for the user starting the Websydian Server using the command WRKSPLF.
    ===>WRKSPLF <username> [Enter]


The most common errors found in the log file and their solutions are:

Error creating socket - [IO error]:ServerFactory(): Error creating stream ( Address already in use.)

The error indicates that the port to which the Websydian Server is trying to listen is already used by another program. Change the port number used and try starting the Websydian Server again..

Using the iSeries NETSTAT command

Use the command NETSTAT to view the list of used IP addresses on the iSeries and select the menu option 3 - Work with TCP/IP connection status

===>NETSTAT [Enter]


                       Work with TCP/IP Connection Status                       
                                                             System:   DKSOFT00 
 Type options, press Enter.                                                     
   3=Enable debug   4=End   5=Display details   6=Disable debug                 
   8=Display jobs                                                               
      Remote           Remote     Local                                         
 Opt  Address          Port       Port       Idle Time  State                   
      *                *          ftp-con >  000:52:39  Listen                  
      *                *          telnet     000:29:57  Listen                  
      *                *          smtp       238:56:17  Listen                  
      *                *          www-http   002:36:49  Listen                  
      *                *          pop3       238:56:19  Listen                  
      *                *          netbios >  238:56:19  Listen                  
      *                *          netbios >  000:00:36  *UDP                    
      *                *          netbios >  000:00:21  *UDP                    
      *                *          netbios >  000:29:07  Listen                  
      *                *          cifs       001:27:59  Listen                  
      *                *          drda       238:57:26  Listen                  
      *                *          ddm        238:57:26  Listen                  
 F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F9=Command line   F11=Display byte counts   F12=Cancel  
 F15=Subset   F22=Display entire field    F24=More keys                         
Error creating socket - [IO error]:ServerFactory(): Error creating stream ( Address not available.).

The error indicates that the IP address specified does not exist on the iSeries. Change the IP address and try starting the Websydian Server again.

Use the command CFGTCP followed by selection of the menu option 1 - Work with TCP/IP interfaces to view a list of available IP addresses on the iSeries.

CFGTCP [Enter]


                          Work with TCP/IP Interfaces                           
                                                             System:   DKSOFT00 
 Type options, press Enter.                                                     
   1=Add   2=Change   4=Remove   5=Display   9=Start   10=End                   
      Internet         Subnet              Line      Line                       
 Opt  Address          Mask             Description  Type                       
                                                                                     *LOOPBACK    *NONE                       ETHLAN1      *ELAN                       ETHLAN2      *ELAN                       ETHLAN3      *ELAN                      
 F3=Exit      F5=Refresh   F6=Print list   F11=Display interface status         
 F12=Cancel   F17=Top      F18=Bottom