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The UpdateDeck pattern is called with the key fields of the updated entity as parameters.
The UpdateDeck pattern contains an UpdateCard Card Generator function scoping an Update WAP Event Handler (and a disabled Back Jump function).
Example 1:
MyUpdateDeck | is a FNC | UpdateDeck |
replaces VW ...by VW |
UIBasic.Update MyEntity.Update |
replaces VW ...by VW |
UIBasic.Detail MyEntity.Fetch |
replaces FNC ...by FNC |
ErrorDeck MyErrorDeck |
MyUpdateDeck.UpdateCard | name NME | Change MyEntity |
MyDispatcher | calls FNC | MyUpdateDeck.UpdateCard.Update |
After the Update WAP Event Handler has been triggered, a new Deck Generator function needs to be called. This call must be specified in the Call deck generator edit point of the Update WAP Event Handler function.
Exampe 2:
Often, not all non-key fields in a selected database record should be updatable. Some fields may be shown as read-only with the old value kept unchanged by the update operation, while other fields are not shown at all (old field values also kept unchanged).
In the example below, the UpdateDeck is applied with FieldA displayed as read-only and FieldB not displayed at all. The remaining non-key fields are updatable by the user.
MyUpdateDeck | is a FNC | UpdateDeck |
replaces VW ...by VW |
UIBasic.Update MyEntity.Update |
replaces VW ...by VW |
UIBasic.Detail MyEntity.Fetch |
replaces FNC ...by FNC |
ErrorDeck MyErrorDeck |
MyUpdateDeck.UpdateCard | local view VW ...for VAR ...contains SYS ...omits FLD |
MyEntity.Fetch OmitDetailsFields Nonkey FieldB |
local view VW ...for VAR ...contains SYS ...omits FLD ...omits FLD |
MyEntity.Update WsyUserInput Nonkey FieldA FieldB |
name NME | Change MyEntity | |
MyUpdateDeck.UpdateCard.Update | local FLD ...for VAR |
FieldA Hidden |
local FLD ...for VAR |
FieldB Hidden |
MyDispatcher | calls FNC | MyUpdateDeck.UpdateCard.Update |