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Websydian DOM is the Websydian implementation of the W3C DOM (Document Object Model) standard for easy access to XML documents.
The DOM standard introduces a tree data structure that enables developers to work with XML documents in terms of standard XML concepts including nodes, elements, entities, attributes etc.
The data structure introduced in the DOM standard contains definitions of methods and attributes. For each of these methods and attributes, a corresponding AllFusion Plex function has been implemented in Websydian DOM.
Please refer to the W3C home page for more information about the DOM standard.
The functions in Websydian DOM are primarily used by the Websydian TransacXML patterns to access data in XML documents, but they can be used by any Websydian developer who wants to access XML documents using the data structures defined by the DOM standard.
The DOM standard has been introduced by the W3C in different versions called Levels. Websydian DOM offers complete support for all methods and attributes included in DOM Level 1.
Furthermore, Websydian DOM offers support for those methods and attributes in DOM Level 2 that are related to namespaces.