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Page Generator functions inheriting from the PageGeneratorWithSignature pattern will be extended with functionality to produce a Digital Signature for each Websydian-generated HTML form on an HTML page. This digital Signature is based on the hidden fields of the form and a signature key provided by the Page Generator function. It is up to the developer to specify a value for the key field, which is done in the edit point Pre sign fields. The name of the AllFusion Plex group model will be used as the key, if no signature key is specified.
The PageGeneratorWithSignature pattern calls the SignFields function to perform the actual calculation of the Digital Signature.
The PageGeneratorWithSignature pattern also calls the IdentifyInputFields pattern (RpgIdentifyInputFields for the iSeries variant). This function will identify the input fields of the Event Handler forms on the HTML page to be used for the Digital Signature calculation.