Users Guide | Patterns Reference | WebsydianExpress | Search |
The User entity defines the following fields:
UserLoginName | Describes the identification of a user in the system. This field is entered when a user logs onto the application. |
Password | Describes the password for the user. The password is saved in the database in an encrypted form, so it will be impossible to see the password of a user directly from the User table. |
FailedLogins | Describes the number of times a failed login has occurred for a specific user. The field is reset to 0 after a successful login. If login fails three times in a row, the UserStatus field is set to TooManyFailedLogins. |
UserStatus | Describes the status of the web user. The field values
are Active, Inactive, or TooManyFailedLogins. Only active users will be allowed to enter the application. |
LastLogin | Describes the timestamp of the latest successful Login that the web user had. |
The User entity inherits from the EditDialog pattern in the Plex FOUNDATION library. Hereby, the EditSuite maintenance functions are implemented which can be used to implement basic Windows functionality for maintaining the User records.