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Introduction Implementing Other Uses Parts Example
In most web applications using User Management functionality, it must be possible for the users themselves to change their password. This change functionality is applied by the WebChangePasswordPage service function.
In some web applications, the users entering the application will create themselves in the system. To implement this, a WebCreateUserPage service function is applied.
The default number of allowed failed logins is three before the user is set inactive (when the user is entering a wrong password).
In the Start update edit point of the CheckPasswordAndUpdateTables function the value of the local MaxNumberOfFailedLogins<FailedLogins> can be overridden. In this way, the maximum allowed number of failed logins can be changed.
To switch off this inactivation completely, set the value of the MaxNumberOfFailedLogins<FailedLogins> to NoMaxLogins also in the Start update edit point.