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Websydian Web Server Component For iSeries - Deployment



The Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries is based on the CGI architecture for iSeries and can be deployed on the IBM iSeries HTTP server or IBM Apache Web Server for iSeries.


Prior to deploying the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries make sure that the Websydian Server and Application Services are deployed and running.

Restore iSeries objects

Save file containing the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries is supplied in the library WSYD600 or your Websydian Express installation library e.g. WXP12INST.


Run the Deployment command DPLRS

First add the library WSYD600RSI to the library list. Then execute the command DPLRS.

===> DPLRS [F4]
                    Deploy iSeries Web Component (DPLRS)                       
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Deploy to library  . . . . . . .   WSYDRSLIB     Character value               
 Configuration file . . . . . . .   '/Websydian/Deploy/Tutorial/tutorial.ini'   
 Websydian Server IP Address  . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .   12000         Character value
 Service name                       EXPRESS                            
 Deploy from library  . . . . . .   WSYD600RSI    Character value           
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  

The deployment tool for the iSeries Web Server Component will create a configuration file at the specified location, with *PUBLIC authorization set to *RWX, *ALL, that looks similar to the following:

 Edit File: /Websydian/Deploy/Tutorial/tutorial.ini                         
 Record :       1   of       5 by   8            Column :    1     59 by  74    
 Control :                                                                      
CMD ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+ 
     ************Beginning of data**************                                
     ************End of Data********************                                
 F2=Save   F3=Save/Exit   F12=Exit   F15=Services   F16=Repeat find             
 F17=Repeat change  F19=Left  F20=Right                                         

If the file does not exist a new  file is created.

First line should read [CONNECTION] and then followed by the following parameters.

  Parameter Description

Host name of IP address of the system where the Websydian Server is started.

Required WEBSYDIANSERVERTCPPORT TCP port on which the Websydian Server is listening. Make sure that this corresponds with the TCP port specified when you started the Websydian Server.
Required SERVICENAME Unique service name which identifies your Websydian application server to the runtime. Make sure that this corresponds to the service name used when starting the Websydian Application Services.
Optional DATABUFFERSIZE=number of bytes This setting is used if running Websydian Server Pro or Enterprise and describes the size of the buffer used by the Application Service when sending information to the Relay Service. The usage of buffering improves the performance significantly. Default size is 4096 bytes.
Optional WAITPERIOD=miliseconds If an Application Service is not available for a request to be processed this is the period of time the Relay Service waits for an available Application Service. Also see the parameter WAITATTEMPTS. Default value is 500 miliseconds.
Optional WAITATTEMPTS=number If an Application Service is not available for a request to be processed this is the number of times the Relay Service will try to get an available Application Service. Also see the parameter WAITPERIOD. The default value is 3 times.
Optional WEBSYDIANSERVERENCODING=codepage Specifies the codepage to be used to communicate with the Websydian Server. Default code page is 00819 (ISO-8859-1)
Optional APPLICATIONSERVICEENCODING=codepage Specifies the codepage to be used to communicate with the Application Services. Default code page is 00819 (ISO-8859-1)
Optional DEFAULTOUTPUTCHARSET=charsetstring The default character set string to be used if content type is text/html and if not specified by the Application Service. Default string is ISO-8859-1.
Optional CUSTOMERRORPAGE=file path and name An reference to a file to be used for error pages in stead of error information generated by the iSeries Relay Service.

Configure the IBM Apache Web Server

Using the IBM Web Administration for iSeries add information to the configuration file of the IBM Apache Web Server.

ScriptAlias /URL /qsys.lib/RSLIB/cgirelay.pgm

<Directory /qsys.lib/RSLIB.lib>
    UseCanonicalName Off
    HostNameLookups Off
    Options +ExecCGI
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    CGIConvMode BINARY

Where URL is the URL to be used to access the application e.g. /webshop/wdispat

Where RSLIB is the name of the library where the deployed iSeries Web Server Component is located to be, note the .lib extension added. e.g. WSYDRSLIB.lib

An example of a complete configuration is

ScriptAlias /webshop/wdispat /qsys.lib/wsydrslib.lib/cgirelay.pgm

<Directory /qsys.lib/wsydrslib.lib>
    UseCanonicalName Off
    HostNameLookups Off
    Options +ExecCGI
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    CGIConvMode BINARY

Changing the state of the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries

We recommended that during backup the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries is in the *SUSPEND state.

By using the command CHGRSSTAT system operators are able to change the state of the iSeries Websydian Web Server Component.

The possible states are:

                    Change state of Web Component (CHGRSSTAT)                    
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 State  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *SUSPEND      *ACTIVATE, *SUSPEND           
 Web Server Component library . .   WSYDRSLIB     Character value               
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys