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NT Event Logger

The NT Event Viewer relies on message resource DLLs to view an event message. The NT event logger DLL (NTEventLogAppender.dll) contains these messages, but in order for the Event Viewer to find the DLL the location of the DLL must be configured in the registry database.

Before you modify the registry database please make sure that you back up the registry and that you know how to restore the registry from the backup if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up the registry please read the following article from the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

  1. Open the Registry Editor. This can be done by selecting "Start->Run...". In the text box enter regedit and hit the enter key.
  2. In the Registry Editor go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application.
  3. Create a new subkey and name it after your choice (the rest of this document assumes that the subkey was named Log4j).
  4. In the newly generated subkey create a string value and name it EventMessageFile.
  5. Set the value of the new subkey to the full path of the NTEventLogAppender.dll. E.g. c:\WINNT\system32\NTEventLogAppender.dll.

When this is done the following entries can be set in the property file:

Property file Entries
Relay Service NTEventLog
servlet.log.level: ERROR
servlet.log.file: Log4j
Websydian Server NTEventLog
log.level: ERROR
log.filename: Log4j

The filename property is set to the name of the subkey created in step 3.