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I-Mode Support in Websydian

I-Mode Fully Supported

Websydian Wireless Developer offers full support for browser-based wireless application development using the WAP protocol and I-Mode standard.  The I-Mode protocol is based on the Compact HTML (cHTML) protocol, which is a subset of HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 4.0. 

In the resulting "I-Mode compatible HTML" a number of major features regarding the display of documents supported in standard HTML are excluded:

Due to the structure of raw Websydian Document Templates, only the exclusion of tables and boldface font type from cHMTL introduces a change when generating I-Mode compatible Document Templates.  Websydian HTML Document Templates use tables for displaying data in WsyDetails and WsyGrid in an orderly manner.  Websydian I-Mode compatible Document Templates use the Unordered List <UL> tags for the same purpose.

In the box below is shown a typical HTML Document Template for a grid page, containing entries in both WsyDetails and WsyGrid.

SessID /(SessionID)
ProductID Product description Product type code Price  
/(PR_ID) /(PR_DESC) /(PR_TYPE) /(PGiqA)

The HTML code for the above Document Template is shown in the text area below.

The same Document Template generated in I-Mode compatible HTML is shown in the box below:

  • UserID
  • SessID

  • ProductID
  • Product description
  • Product type code
  • Price

  • The corresponding I-Mode compatible HTML code is shown in the text area below.

    Initialization of Values Using Server-Side Scripting

    Websydian supports initialization of status values in List, Combo, Radio, and Check controls using JavaScript or Server-Side Scripting. 

    When generating I-Mode compatible HTML the lack of support for scripting languages such as JavaScript in I-Mode compatible HTML can be circumvented by using Server-Side Scripting to initialize status values in the pages. 

    See Server-Side Scripting with Websydian for more information.


    Templates are generated in I-Mode compatible HTML by specifying an option in a normal HTML Page Generator.  How to do this is described in the Generating I-Mode Compatible HTML Templates section of the Other Uses of the Document Template Generator document.