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Before following the instructions in this section make sure that the Websydian pattern libraries have been installed successfully.
This section explains how to set up your CA Plex 5.5 model to work with the Websydian pattern libraries. If using another version of CA Plex please go to this section.
The actions described in this document must be performed the first time you use the Websydian patterns in an CA Plex 5.5 model.
The first thing to do is to add the relevant Websydian library models to the host group model of your application. This action is performed once per group model in the same way as adding any other library models to a host model.
The Websydian library models may be added during creation of a group model together with the CA Plex Pattern libraries and other library models needed by the model, or they can be added to an existing CA Plex group model.
Once the Websydian library models have been added to the group model and a local model has been defined, the objects in the Websydian library models must be extracted to the local model.
When a local model with the relevant Websydian libraries extracted has been created, the developer is required to setup a number of pre-built C++ library files and header directories for Windows and a number of user class libraries for Java.
Depending on the language selected by the variant of WSYBASE the required files differ.
This section applies to local models where the variant for WSYBASE has been set to DWA - iSeries or iSeries web server.
The table below (table 1) indicates which pre-built C++ library files to include. It is recommended to add all of the listed library files.
Library file | Location | |
Mandatory | websyd.lib | Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\lib\Plex5.5. |
To setup the pre-built C++ library files in the CA Plex group model follow these steps:
C++ library files are referenced by file name whereas header files are referenced by the name of the folder where they are located.
This section applies to local models where the variant for WSYBASE has been set to DWA - Windows or PC web server.
This section applies only to CA Plex 5.5. If using another version of CA Plex please go to this section.
The table below (table 1) indicates which pre-built C++ library files to include. It is recommended to add all of the listed library files.
Library file | Location | |
Mandatory | websyd.lib | Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\lib\Plex5.5. |
wininet.lib | Supplied with Visual Studio; no path required. | |
ws2_32.lib | ||
When using TransacXML | wsydxml11.lib | Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\lib\Plex5.5. |
wsydxml11_dll.lib | ||
Recommended | obpt32.lib | Supplied with Plex; located in the folder <Plex Install Folder>\Class550\PatternLibs. |
To setup the pre-built C++ library files in the CA Plex 5.5 group model follow these steps:
C++ library files are referenced by file name whereas header files are referenced by the name of the folder where they are located.
When using DWA for Java (variant for WSYBASE set to DWA - Java), a number of JAR files should be specified as user classes; see table below (table 2).
JAR file | Location | |
Mandatory | WsydDwa21.jar | Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\jars. |
WsydUtil.jar | ||
When using TransacXML | WsydXml11.jar | Located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\development\jars. |
Recommended | Obptjava.jar | Supplied with Plex; <Plex Install Folder>\Classxxx\PatternLibs where xxx is the Plex version. |
When building Java applications it is recommended to use CA Plex 5.5SP1 or later.
To setup the user classes in the CA Plex model follow these steps:
When generating functions with a long scoped name CA Plex can generate names for Java classes that exceeds the maximum length for files that can be handled by the Windows file system. To avoid this please check the check box "Use field implementation names in source" in the Double Byte Build section.
The JAR-file list to insert in the 'User classes' field could look similar to the example below:
In the model configuration for the host group model the Websydian WSYBASE library must have its variant set according to the chosen target platform:
Variant | Description |
PC web server | Windows CGI interface (CWA Windows): The target Websydian application is Windows EXE and DLL files running on a Windows platform. |
iSeries web server | iSeries CWA: The target Websydian application consists of programs running on iSeries. |
DWA - Windows | Code will be generated for the DWA interface on a Windows platform. |
DWA - Java | Code will be generated for the DWA interface on a Java platform. |
DWA - iSeries | Code will be generated for the DWA interface on an iSeries platform. |
The variant of WsyHttp, SDString, and WsyDom should be set according to the language of the variant of WsyBase.
The version/level for each of the Websydian group models should be set to the newest.
If the iSeries platform is the target for the Websydian application, the version for WsyBase should be set to v.6.0 RPG.
The table below shows the newest version/level to use for each of the Websydian group models:
Group Model | Version | Level |
WsyBase | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyVal | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyInteg | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsySess | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyUser | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyUtil | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyAudit | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyPres | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyWap | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WapUtil | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyPortal | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyDom | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyXml | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsySoap | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyShop | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyHttp | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
WsyStruc | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
SDString | v.6.0 | v.6.0 |
If the iSeries platform is the target for the Websydian application, the version for WsyBase should be set to v.6.0 RPG.
Most Websydian library models include a number of objects that are used directly by other pattern objects. These objects must be generated and built. In Websydian, these objects are included in an appropriately named subject area, e.g. AuditObjectsToGenAndBuild.
The following library models include objects that must be generated and built.
Library | Further information | |
WsyBase | - | Please refer to the Generate And Build Considerations document in the WsyBase section for details on which WsyBase subject areas should be generated and build. |
WsyDom | DOMObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using TransacXML. |
WsyXml | XMLObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using TransacXML (Requires WsyDom to be generated prior). |
SchemaObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate if using the CreateSchema or CreateWSDL functions in TransacXML. | |
WsySoap | SOAPObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using TransacXML Web Services. |
WSDLObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate if using the CreateWSDL function in TransacXML. | |
WsyHttp | HTTPClientObjects | Only generate and build this subject area if variant is set to Java. The
Windows objects are supplied in a lib file (WsyHttpxxx.lib). For CA Plex 5.5 and later this subject area should be generated in both the Windows and Java variants. |
SDString | SDStringObjsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using Windows or Java. |
WsySess | SessionObjectsToGenAndBuild | Generate this if using the Session pattern. |
WsyInteg | IntegObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using the Integrity pattern. |
WsyUser | UserObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using the User pattern. |
WsyUtil | UtilObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using the Utility patterns. |
WsyAudit | AuditObjectsToGenAndBuild | Generate this if using the Audit pattern. |
WsyWap | WapObjectsToGenerateAndBuild | Generate this if using the Websydian WAP patterns. |
When deploying a Websydian application, either for testing or production, various Websydian runtime objects are required for the application to run properly.
The runtime objects are located in the folder <Websydian Install Folder>\Deployment. Please consult the section that is relevant for your deployment environment.
All folder references in this section are relative to the Websydian Install Folder.
The table below shows the objects that must be restored when deploying a Websydian application on an iSeries.
Folder | File | Description |
Deployment\iSeries | WSYD600.savf | Contains the library WSYD600. |
WSYD600ptf.savf | Contains the library WSYD600PTF for future PTFs. | |
Deployment\iSeries\IFSObjects | N/A | Contains a folder structure that must be restored to the IFS if using DWA. |
For more detailed instructions on how to install the Websydian iSeries runtime objects please refer to this document.
The table below shows the DLLs that must be deployed with a Websydian application on the Windows platform.
The DLLs can either be deployed in the same folder as the application DLLs or in a folder specified in the system path.
Folder | File | Description |
Deployment\Dwa\dlls\PlexX.X | WsydDwa21.dll | Websydian DWA runtime. Required when the variant for WSYBASE is set to DWA - Windows. |
Deployment\Xml\dlls\PlexX.X | WsydXml11.dll | Websydian XML runtime. Required when using TransacXML. |
The table below shows the jar files that must be specified in the classpath when launching a Websydian Java application. For more details on setting up the classpath please refer to this section.
Usage | Folder | File | Description |
DWA | Deployment\Dwa\jars | WsydDwa21.jar | Java DWA runtime. |
XML processing | Deployment\Xml\jars | WsydXml11.jar | Websydian Java XML runtime including the Apache Xerces Java parser and the Apache Xalan XSLT processor. |
WsydUtil.jar | |||
xalan.jar | |||
xercesImpl.jar | |||
xml-apis.jar | |||
Web service | Deployment\Xml\jars | commons-httpclient.jar | HTTP client used when creating a web service client (SoapGenerator). |
jsse.jar | Used by the HTTP client for SSL communication. Do not include these jar files if using Java 1.4 or later. | ||
jnet.jar | |||
jcert.jar |