How to Create a Business Process


Business processes are the core components of Websydian Express. This means that every time you wish to add new functionality to your application - you have to create a new business process.

You can read more about processes in the Concepts section.


How to obtain the necessary information

Business processes are based on implemented programs. If the definitions you make in the administration interface does not correspond to the deployed program objects you will only get errors.

This also means that the information needed for the creation of a new business process will typically be known by the developer who have created the business process.

An information sheet has been created, that might make the communication between developer and administrator a bit easier. The information sheet can be found here.

The most important information needed is the program name. The program name must correspond to the implementation name of the program starting the process (also known as the ProcessEntryPoint).

Deploy objects

The program objects and the templates must be deployed before the process can be used.

However, as the process can't be activated by anyone before it is referenced in the site structure you can define the process before the objects are deployed.

For more information on how to deploy a business process please read Move Process to Production

Define Business Process in the Administration Interface

Follow these steps in order to define a new Business Process:

  1. Select the menu item "Content loaders -> Business Processes" in the administration interface.
  2. Press "Insert" to create a new business process
  3. On the insert page enter the following information:
    • Name - a recognizable name for the business process.
    • Program name - the name of the ProcessEntryPoint function (name of the program object)
    • Description - a short description of the process (if nothing else is preferable - copy the Name)
    • Comment - optional comment about the business process.
  4. Create default presentation - leave this option checked.
  5. Press "Insert".