This guide will help you through an installation of WebsydianExpress™ for Java with a Microsoft SQL server or System i as your database server and an Apache Tomcat as your servlet engine.
If you plan on using Microsoft SQL Server and do not all ready have one configured we recommend installing the Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition.
Make sure that you have your SQL Server listening on a TCP Port in order for the Java JDBC database driver to connect to it.
This installation guide requires that you have installed either version 5.x or 6.x of the servlet engine from Apache named Tomcat. The installation program for WebsydianExpress™ includes a packaging tool that will help you move to another servlet engine if required.
The Tomcat servlet engine requires Java version 5 or later. Obtain this at
Current version and build is "WebsydianExpress™ v2.1 for Java"
Execute the installation program Express_v21_Java.exe. This will copy required files to your PC that will be used to package your WebsydianExpress™ for Java to your servlet engine and also includes the databases.
Execute the database installation program SetupDB.exe located in the subdirectory named \database\MSSQL in the directory where you installed WebsydianExpress™ files in step 3.
Execute the database installation program EXPRESS20_JAVA.exe located in the subdirectory named \database\Systemi in the directory where you installed WebsydianExpress™ files in step 3.
Open a System i console and logon with a user allowed to restore objects. Then run the System i Java database installation program as follows:
Execute the packaging tool for WebsydianExpress named pack.exe located in the directory where you installed WebsydianExpress™ files in step 3. The packaging tool helps you configure and package WebsydianExpress for Java instances to be deployed on a servlet engine.
For Microsoft SQL Server use
JDBC Driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
JDBC Datasource: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<SQLSERVERHOSTNAME>:<SQLSERVERTCPPORT>/WebsydianExpressForJava
User: The user used to login to your SQL Server
Password: The password of the user.
For System i use
JDBC Driver:
JDDB Datasource: jdbc:as400://<SYSTEMIHOSTNAME>/WXPJ20DB
User: System i user to be used to connect
Password: The password of the user
The packaging tool can be run again and again to redeploy your WebsydianExpress™ instance.
Make sure that you replace the '<HostName>' with the host name of your computer
Login with user Customer and password Customer to login to one of the sites and access the administration interface.
The web address used in this example is based on the default settings used by the installation program.
In order to access the administration part of the demosite append /admin to the url
Make sure that you replace the '<HostName>' with the host name of your iSeries
Login with user WSADMIN and password ADMIN in order to access the administration interface of the demosite.
By default the WebsydianExpress™ is installed with an unregistered license of the Websydian Server providing 10 concurrent sessions.
You have the option to obtain a registered version for 10 concurrent sessions for free that enables you to find a starting point on the number of concurrent sessions required by your applications.
For pricing on concurrent sessions please contact
The following are the steps to complete in order to completely remove WebsydianExpress™ v2.1 for Java from your system