Maintain Site Structure


This function is used to maintain the site structure of the site you are logged into. The site structure is the overall structure of the web site. The site structure is built of site elements.

Site elements are menu, frameset, URL, and business process.


For frameset and menu elements you can add new elements where the added element will appear as a child to the frameset/menu element in the site structure.

Child elements to a menu is menu items in the menu and child elements to a frameset is frames for the frameset.

Tree structure page

The grid shows information about the current site structure.

For each element this information is shown: an icon and individual information dependent on the element type of the parent element.

Icons for element types

Icon Element type
Site Root
URL - as child of a frameset
Business Process - as child of a frameset
Business Process

Information shown for records in the tree structure

Parent Element Type Information
Site root [site element]
Frameset [frame name] - [site element]
Menu [sequence] / [align] - [site element]
[site element]

The name of the site element

[frame name]

The name of the frame the child element will populate when the frameset is loaded


The alignment of the menu item in the menu


The sequence of the menu item in the menu


Select the place in the structure where you want to add a site element and press the Add button. The wizard function Add Element will be started.

The new site element will be added in the structure as a child of the selected element. Only root, framesets, and menus can have child elements added.


Select the element you want to update and press the update button. The Update Element function is started.

You can't update the Site Root Element.


An element can be removed from the site structure when you select the element and press the Remove button. You will then be asked to confirm the removal.

When confirming a removal of an element, you also confirm the removal of the element's children. Note that the elements are not deleted, they are just removed from that location in the site structure.

If the removed element is added to the site structure again, all its children will also be added.


Detailed information for an element is shown when you select the element and then press the View button.


In order to assign an alias to an element in the site structure you select the element and then press the Alias button.

An alias is used to make an easy reference to a specific site element.


Select an element in the site structure and press the Roles button to load the assign roles function in a pop up window.

Placing the cursor over the arrow on the right part of the button opens a submenu, where you can either chose assign, which has the exact same effect as pressing the button or "Recursive add", which provides the option to add a number of roles to the element you have selected in the site structure tree and all of the elements, which are part of the sub-tree for the selected element.

Change Presentation

Select a site element in the tree and press the "Change Presentation" button to change the presentation for the selected element.