Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Message Log


This document describes where you can find information about any errors that occurs when using Websydian Express.

The main focus is on the WebsydianExpress message log. This is the log where WebsydianExpress reports all errors when the application is running.

There are certain errors that either stop WebsydianExpress from writing to the message log or occur in situations where the WebsydianExpress runtime is not active. Several different logs can contain information about these errors. Descriptions of these logs are found at the end of the document.

You should always start by looking in the message log if any errors occur - or if WebsydianExpress behaves in an unexpected manner.

If you do contact Websydian Support about an error, please include information about any relevant errors from the message log. If you do not find any errors in the log, please include this information in your support call.

Accessing the message log

You access the message log using the administration menu Utilities→Message Log.

Content of the message log

The message log shows all messages been recorded by WebsydianExpress. If the application that is running in WebsydianExpress is using custom messages, these messages are also shown in the message log.

The reference documentation describes the content of the message log.

Using the message log

The message log offers several ways to search for relevant messages.

Most should be obvious (e.g. date and time), but there are a couple of options that needs a bit of explanation.


The default view of the message log is it only shows the messages thrown by the current site.

You can choose to view messages from other sites, which can come in very handy if you can't access the administration interface of a site.

You can also choose to view all messages - this if useful if an administrator needs an overview of the complete state of the installation.

Some errors can occur before WebsydianExpress resolves the site. Select *Global to see only these messages (the log also shows these messages when you view all messages).



Messages thrown by WebsydianExpress will have one of two different categories:


These messages are thrown by the basic runtime itself. They normally relates to the most basic functionality of WebsydianExpress or to the administration interface.


The WebsydianExpress APIs throws these messages. This means that they relate to the use of APIs in custom developed business processes.


If the application is using your own custom messages, they will have a default category of "Application". You can define any categories you want to.

WebsydianExpress populates the drop down used to select these categories based on the categories of the registered message types.



You can select to see all messages, the ones that has been marked as handled, or the ones that has not been marked as handled.

By marking messages as handled as you investigate/resolve them, you can maintain a "clean" log. This way you know that you must investigate all messages shown in the log when No is selected in the "Handled" drop down.


Advanced: User ID

If a user reports an error, you can find all messages that relates to sessions where this user has been logged in by specifying the user id in the input field.

Note that as users are site-specific, you should specify both the site and the user id.


Advanced: Session ID

In cases where the user is not logged in or where the user has a lot of sessions, you can search for the session id instead of the user id.

The user can find the current session id be selecting "View Source" in the browser and search for WSYD_SID. The session id is the value specified for this field (often as a hidden input field for an event - e.g. <input type="hidden" name="WSYD_SID" value="12345" />).

Other logs

Application errors

The message log will not contain all errors that can occur.

Other logs can contain relevant information, which ones are dependent on the WebsydianExpress variant:

WebsydianExpress for ISeries

Check the job logs for the EXPRESSAS jobs submitted when running the START command.

WebsydianExpress for Windows

Check the ApplicationServices.log file that is placed in the Logs folder.

WebsydianExpress for Windows and ISeries

Check the job logs for the YOBSYTCPCT jobs submitted when running the START command.

Check the ApplicationServices.log file that is placed in the Logs folder.

In a few cases, the job log for the Plex dispatcher on the iSeries can contain relevant information.

WebsydianExpress for Java

Check the J2eeproxy.log file that is placed in the Logs folder.

System errors

WebsydianExpress uses a number of components that can also write errors to logs.

The Websydian Server, that has responsibility for routing the requests to the correct application service (and controls the license system), reports errors to the file websydianserver.log. This file can be found under the Logs folder created by the installation process.

The web server component reports errors to the file WebServerComponent.log. In most cases, this will also be found in the Logs folder - but it can depend on where and how the web server has been installed.

Errors from the web server

In some cases, the problems occur before the web server can call even the most low-level WebsydianExpress functions. In these cases, the errors might be reported in the logs of the web server. Refer to the documentation for the web server you are using to find out more about these logs.

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