Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Texts and Messages


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Language Support→Texts and Messages

This function gives the administrator the possibility to maintain the messages and translate their texts if language support is enabled.

Language support is defined by the fact, that there must be created languages in the business process "Maintain Languages" that is located in the section "Internationalization" in the administration interface.

Grid Page

The grid page shows information about the messages. This includes system messages and messages created by your own functions.

You can search for messages based on the "Name" and "Text" of the message, "Category", "Type", "Translated" and "Language".

The combo box "Show translation for" and the icon displayed under "Translated" works together. When "*Base" is selected in the combo box, the icon indicates if a translation into any language exist. If a language is selected in the combo box, the the icon indicates if a translation into selected language exist.

When you select a language in the "Show translation for" combo box, then the "Name" and "Text" show is either the translation entered for the language in question, if a translation has been created or the base values for the message if a translation for the selected language does not exist.

If language support is enabled the combo boxes "Translated" and "Show translation for" will be visible on this page. Further, the button "Translate" will also be visible, allowing you to display the translation dialog.


This page allows you to translate a message into other languages. On the page you translate the "Name", "Text" and "URL For Help" of the message in question.

Base information

This part of the page shows information about the message in question. You can see the "ID", "Name", "Text" and "URL For Help".


This section of the page allows you to translate the message.

You start by selecting a language in the language combo box and then translate the "Name", "Text" and "URL For Help" into that language.

Please note, that messages can contain parameters indicated by the Plex format &(n:) where 'n' represent a number. As in Plex, it is not important in which order the parameters occur in the message.


This page displays the message information and translations.

Message information

This section shows header information about the message. You can see "ID", "Name", "Severity", "Category", "Text", "URL For Help" and "Type".


This section of the page shows all translations made for the message. Information is "Language", "Name", "Text" and "URL For Help".


The page allows you to update base (header) information about the message.

You can change "Name", "Category" (see below), "Text" and "URL For Help".

"Category" has two reserved words, they are "System" and "API". If the "Category" is one of those types, then the "Category" cannot be changed.



A unique ID for each message.

WebsydianExpress' own messages use the reserved prefix of "WSE" for "Log Messages" and "WST" for "Text Messages". Your own messages must use a name that does not start when any of these prefixes.


This is the name of the message.


This is the text of the message.


Indicates the category of the message.


Indicates the type of the message. There exists two type: Log Message and Text Message.


Shows if the message is translated into other languages or into the selected language.

Icon Description
When "*Base" is selected in the language combo box:
This indicates that a translation exists into one of the languages defined in the language support part of WebsydianExpress.

When a language is selected in the language combo box:
This indicates that a translation in the selected language exists.

When "*Base" is selected in the language combo box:
This indicates that a translation does not exist into any of the languages defined in the language support part of WebsydianExpress.

When a language is selected in the language combo box:
This indicates that a translation in the selected language does not exist.


This indicates the level of severity of the message. The options are: "Error", "Warning" and "Informative".

Related information

Message log
Display the message log
Message log
Background information about Message log
Language support
Introduction to language support