Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Quick installation guide for WebsydianExpress for iSeries

This guide provides everything you need to do in order to install WebsydianExpress for iSeries, quickly.

Important! Make sure that you have the following software options with the latest PTF levels installed, and requirements.

Step 1: Obtain the latest version of the WebsydianExpress for iSeries installation program

Make sure that you have the latest version of the WebsydianExpress for iSeries installation program.

Current version and build is "WebsydianExpress v3.0.4 for iSeries"

Step 2: Install and set up your iSeries HTTP Server (powered by Apache)

WebsydianExpress for iSeries requires that the iSeries HTTP Server (powered by Apache) have been installed and is running.

For the WebsydianExpress installation guide to be completed you will also need the "IBM Web Administration for i5/OS interface".

For more information on "Getting started with the IBM Web Administration for i5/OS interface" please follow information available from IBM at:

Step 3: Configure and transfer installation program to your iSeries

Once the iSeries HTTP Server is up and running you are ready to configure WebsydianExpress and transfer the installation program to your iSeries.

  1. Start the WebsydianExpress installation program Express_v3.0.4_iSeries.exe. At any point during the installation feel free to press a Help button if you need further information.
  2. On the 'Welcome' page press Next
  3. As this is a quick installation guide select the Default installation type on the 'Select Type of Installation' page.
  4. Press Next to accept the location used on your PC for objects required during installation.
  5. Read and accept the license agreement and press Next
  6. On the 'iSeries Information' page enter the following information and press Next
  7. On the 'Regional Settings' page choose the formats you want and pres Next
  8. Press Transfer to transfer installation objects to your iSeries
    Note! The transfer operation can be a long running task, please wait for the next dialog to appear before continuing.

Step 4: Run iSeries installation program

When the transfer of objects to your iSeries have been performed the install shield will present you with the "Transfer completed" dialog.
  1. Using Client Access logon to your iSeries with a user profile that has the authority to restore objects and create libraries and objects.
  2. On the command line run the command call qcmd followed by pressing the F11
  3. Add the library WXP30INST to your library list using the command addlible
  4. Copy and paste the "iSeries Command" lines from the dialog "Transfer complete" to the command line of your Client Access.
  5. Execute the command WXPINST by pressing enter
    Note! The installation process can be a long running task, please wait.
  6. Use the command dspjoblog to verify that the installation process completed successfully. Stated with the text 'Installation Successful'


Step 5: Configure the iSeries HTTP Server (powered by Apache)

Next step is to enable the iSeries HTTP Server to run the WebsydianExpress Web Server Component.
  1. Open the "IBM Web Administration for i5/OS interface" in your browser
  2. Select the HTTP Server instance to be used to service the WebsydianExpress Web Server Component
  3. In the left menu select "Edit Configuration File" under the  "Tools" section
  4. Append the lines from the text area "Web Server Configuration" of the "Transfer Complete" dialog to the end of the Configuration file leaving existing information intact
  5. Press OK button
  6. Restart the HTTP Server instance
  7. On your computer complete the WebsydianExpress install shield program by pressing Next and Finish

Step 6: Start WebsydianExpress service jobs

In order to start the WebsydianExpress issue the following iSeries command.

WXP30PGM/START [enter]

The library WXP30PGM is the default name of the WebsydianExpress program library. Please note that this may have been changed during the installation if you changed it.

Step 7: Access the WebsydianExpress demosite and administration interface

After starting WebsydianExpress the available sites can be accessed by entering the following web address in your browser:


Make sure that you replace the '<iSeriesHostName>' with the host name of your iSeries

Login with user Customer and password Customer to login to one of the sites and access the administration interface.

The web address used in this example is based on the default settings used by the installation program.

In order to access the administration part of the demosite append /admin to the url


Make sure that you replace the '<iSeriesHostName>' with the host name of your iSeries

Login with user WSADMIN and password ADMIN in order to access the administration interface of the demosite.

What is next

We recommend that you read the following document in order to secure your WebsydianExpress installation before going into production

Stopping WebsydianExpress service jobs

In order to stop the WebsydianExpress issue the following iSeries command.

WXP30PGM/STOP [enter]

The library WXP30PGM is the default name of the WebsydianExpress program library. Please note that this may have been changed during the installation if you changed it.

Improving performance using WebsydianExpress Web Server Component for iSeries WebSphere

For improved performance in a production environment we recommend using the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries WebSphere.

For further information please contact support@websydianexpress.com

Obtain a license for the Websydian Server

By default the WebsydianExpress is installed with an unregistered license of the Websydian Server providing 10 concurrent sessions.

You have the option to obtain a registered version for 10 concurrent sessions for free that enables you to find a starting point on the number of concurrent sessions required by your applications.

For pricing on concurrent sessions please contact info@websydian.com.

Uninstalling WebsydianExpress for iSeries

These are the steps in order to uninstall WebsydianExpress from your iSeries

  1. Run the stop command to stop WebsydianExpress
  2. Stop your HTTP server instance to release the WXP30WEB library for deletion
  3. Remove the libraries WXP30*
  4. Remove the IFS directory /Websydian/EXPRESS30 and all subdirectories
  5. In your HTTP Configuration file remove alias and scriptalias information about WebsydianExpress

Troubleshooting WebsydianExpress installation

If you are having problems installing WebsydianExpress please contact Websydian support at support@websydianexpress.com and attach the following information: