Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Create Site


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Sites→Create site

The Create Site function makes it possible for you to get additional sites without having to make additional installations of WebsydianExpress.

The new site will be created based on definitions that corresponds to the definitions for the basicsite.

The Create Site function has been simplified in version 2.0 of WebsydianExpress. If you are working with a version prior to 2.0, check the documentation for your version.

Create Site Page

On this page, you can only enter the absolute minimum of information needed to create a new site. This can in some instances mean that there are certain settings that you want to differ from the ones that is set automatically. If this is the case, you must change them using the administration interface of the new site.

The information you can specify is:

Basic site information

Form Action

This will be the action attribute of the forms that are generated by the system.

The form action will also be used to generate the URL you will use to access the new site - for example if you have the following URL for your basic site: http://www.websydian.com/site/basicsite and specifies the form action newsite, then the URL used to access the new site will be: http://www.websydian.com/site/newsite.


A description of the site. The description is used when listing the sites defined for the installation.


Admin Folder Information

Folder containing administration templates

This is a drop down showing all folders used by your current site. Select the folder that contains the templates used by the administration interface (default admin20).

The physical folder containing these templates will be referred by the administration folder created for the new site.


Site Templates Path

Template path relative to root

You can either create a new physical folder in the file system - and copy the templates used by the delivered basic site to this folder - and specify the newly created folder in this field or you can just specify the existing basicsite folder in this field.

If you specify the existing basicsite folder, the new site and the basic site will share templates - so any changes you make in one site will also be used for the other site.

In general, it is recommended that you copy the basicsite folder so that the two sites uses separate templates.

The output field "Template root" shows the root folder specified when WebsydianExpress was installed. This and the value entered in the input field will be combined to create the full path for the folder.


Site key


This field is optional. It offers you the possibility to specify the internal key (site key) used to identify the site in the database. This can be relevant if you are creating a site that should be used for updating a site from version 1.2 to 2.0 - in this case, you might want the site to have the same sitekey in to updated site as in the original site.

If you leave the field blank, a site key will be auto generated.

After creating the site

You can see the new site in the site overview page - and from this page you can also access the new site.

You can use the administration interface to change the site settings that the create site function does not provide the opportunity to change.

The password of the administrator user profile should be changed after the site has been created. Please read Securing WebsydianExpress after Installation for more information.