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What is new in WebsydianExpress v3.0

WebsydianExpress for Java

This release includes WebsydianExpress for Java.

WebsydianExpress for Java is a servlet based distribution of WebsydianExpress that is deployed in your choice of servlet engine. Take advantage of the Java development environment and the servlet architecture for deploying your WebsydianExpress business processes.

WebsydianExpress for Java integrates with the Websydian WebClient.

Development platforms

Developers of WebsydianExpress business processes are now required to use CA Plex v6.0 or CA Plex v6.1. We recommend using CA Plex v6.1. For the WebsydianExpress for iSeries you are still be able to use your existing RPG or 2E skills to develop WebsydianExpress business processes.

Web services development and deployment in WebsydianExpress

Develop and deploy web services for others to consume with WebsydianExpress.

The objective is to let the developer focus on the development of the web service and leave the infrastructure to the WebsydianExpress platform.

Reuse the same web service developed for both SOAP based web services and XML based web services with a click of a button in the administration interface.

Check out the supplied examples in the demosite of WebsydianExpress here you will see other uses of the new web service deployment feature of WebsydianExpress.

This feature will enable you to provide web services. In order to consume existing web services you will need to use the Websydian TransacXML patterns.

For developing Web Services for WebsydianExpress in Plex you will need to obtain the Websydian TransacXML patterns and use the WebsydianExpress Windows or Java based variants.

Language support

Language support enables you to provide WebsydianExpress sites in multiple languages translating menu items, text messages and templates.

Supplied with WebsydianExpress you will also find a business process for changing the language of a session enabling your customers to select the language they would like to use by pressing a small image of their flag. Check the demosite for an example.

In order to improve the language support presenting messages to the users we have also added the option for developers to create text messages that can be translated and maintained within the WebsydianExpress administration interface.

Import and Export site elements and structures

Ever had to move one site structure definition from one site to another or from one WebsydianExpress instance to another? That is now possible with the import and export site structure feature found on the maintenance page of the WebsydianExpress site structure.

The export button on the site structure administration page will save all information in the WebsydianExpress site structure about the selected site element and all scoped elements to a file on your computer.

The import button will restore site elements and structures located in the file being selected.

This first version of Import and Export site structure have been focusing on moving structures and elements from one WebsydianExpress site to another. This enables you to move from test to production easily. This also enables you to perform a complete back-up of your site structure before doing massive changes.

Improved message log

Based on valuable input from our customers we have made a brand new message log for WebsydianExpress v3.0 enabling better filtering options for looking at log messages. This also enables the developer to write to the WebsydianExpress message log from their developed business processes.

Take a look at the Administration interface to see the number of filtering options available (click the image).

This will help developers and system administrators to easily locate any messages thrown by WebsydianExpress or any of the business processes processed by WebsydianExpress.

For developers a number of API's and abstractions have been made available for creating your own messages to be shown in the message log and a number of API's for processing messages in the message log.

Improved callback development and deployment

A complete remake of the callback functionality for extending or changing behavior of the WebsydianExpress platform in various ways. Primarily based on response from our customers we have changed callback functionality now introducing callback points and a complete administration interface for handling callback functions.

Please note that there are some upgrade considerations if you have already been utilizing the benefits of callback functions in previous version of WebsydianExpress.

Using callback points and functions enables you to extend or change WebsydianExpress behavior at specific points like

Collect statistical information using the request log

You can now activate a request log in the administration interface of WebsydianExpress. This will allow you to log all information about requests being serviced. You can log all detailed information as well as the entire request.

This statistical information can be used in a number of ways:

Currently WebsydianExpress gives you a number of API's to obtain information from the request log and this combined with query tools like Query/400 and/or Crystal reports you will be able to get hold of the information.

In coming releases we will be releasing business processes that present you with information from the request log.

Script markers in document templates

Introducing script markers for document templates. Script markers are very much like replacement markers but they are used to control the behavior of the pagegenerator.

The following script markers are available with WebsydianExpress v3.0.

Miscellaneous improvements and changes

New documentation site

As you can see a brand new approach to online documentation using the same approach as with Microsoft help files (.chm), improving search and general access to the documentation. The documentation is now also available for download at our web site.

WebsydianExpress variants

With WebsydianExpress v3.0 we now support the following variants and platforms