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Deploying Websydian CWA application on iSeries


This white paper describes the basic steps to deploy a CWA Websydian application on the iSeries platform using either IBM HTTP Server or Apache HTTP Server.
Basic knowledge about the iSeries platform is required in order to successfully complete this white paper.


Make sure the latest cumulative PTF has been installed as well as the latest group PTF for the HTTP Server. Contact IBM support for further information.

Copy the document templates to the iSeries

Copy the Document Templates to an iSeries folder in the IFS, e.g. /WEBTUTOR.

For Websydian 2.5 and prior you need to create this folder in the HFS, e.g. /QDLS/WEBTUTOR.

Setup the iSeries environment

  1. Copy the job description WSYDJOBD from the Websydian library WSYDxxx to the library where the application resides. 
    Change the initial library list in the job description to hold the library where the Websydian application resides.
    Example of the initial library list:


    If needed change the user profile for the job description. Default is YOBSYDIAN.

  2. Check that the user profile used in the job description has the following authorities and settings:
  1. Copy the data area WSYDPATH from the library WSYDxxx to the library of the Websydian application. Modify the data area to reflect the location of your document templates. e.g. /WEBTUTOR/ or /QDLS/WEBTUTOR/.
Remember to include the last slash ('/') in the path specification in the WSYDPATH data area.

Setup correct character translation information

The iSeries uses the EBCDIC character set but document templates are stored in ASCII and the web server also sends and receives information from the browser using ASCII (or more correctly ISO-8859-1).

For this reason the Websydian application must be configured with relevant information about the character sets used so the correct character translation can take place.

For document templates

In Websydian 3.0 and later the character set identifier (CCSID) of the document templates should be stored in the data area IFSCCSID. Default is 01252 (Windows Latin-1).

In Websydian 2.5 and prior the character translation of the document templates are handled by the translation table ASCII2E. The default table complies with Windows Latin-1.

For input and output to the Web Server

In Websydian 3.1 the character translation of inbound and outbound URL encoded characters are handled by the data areas CGIICCSID and CGIOCCSID.

In Websydian 3.0x and prior the translation of inbound URL encoded characters are handled by the translation table WLATIN2E. The default supplied table complies with Western Latin-1.

n this white paper we will use the facility of the web server to translate all in and outbound characters and you should make sure the data areas are set to 65535 and if using Websydian 3.0 or prior use a dummy table for the WLATIN2E translation table.
The value 65535 indicates that no translation will be performed by the Websydian application.

For further information on CCSID's see the iSeries manual:
Title: iSeries International Application Development V4R2
Document Number: SC41-5603-01
Build Date: 12/01/97 19:46:21 Build Version: 1.3.0
Book Path: /home/publib/epubs/book/qb3aq501.boo

Create Websydian data queues

This white paper assumes that the Web Server and the application resides on the same iSeries machine. It is possible to have the Web Server and the application on two different iSeries machines. For more information on how to do this please consult the Websydian documentation.

Run the command WSYDCRTQ found in the library WSYD610.

The WSYDCRTQ command starts the Websydian data queues and a listener job for each. The data queues are used to pass information from the Web Server to the Websydian application. More information can be found here

To ease any troubleshooting during development, only start one queue.

                    Create Local Websydian Queues (WSYDCRTQ)

 Type choices, press Enter.

 Number of queues   . . . . . . .       1          Number
 Library to place dataqueues  . .   WEBTUTOR       Name
 Copy objects to appl. library  .   *YES           *YES, *NO
 Description for dataqueues . . .   *NONE

 Jobd for Websydian Application     WSYDJOBD       Name
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     WEBTUTOR     Name
 Jobq for Websydian Application     QINTER         Name
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     QGPL         Name
 Initial library list . . . . . .   *JOBD          Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD...
 Websydian Dispatcher program . .   WEBTUTOR       Name
 Websydian Application job name     WEBTUTOR       Name
 Library containing runtime . . .   WSYD600        Name

F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display   
F24=More keys


The parameters are described here. As all parameters are important it is essential that all the settings above are understood.

Configure the iSeries Apache Web Server

If using the IBM HTTP Web Server skip this section and read the previous section instead.

To use the commands described in this section you must have QSECOFR rights.

The examples in this section uses the default Apache configuration called APACHEDFT that is installed by default when installing OS/400 on the iSeries.

There are two ways to configure the Apache Web Server: Using the web administration interface or altering the configuration files manually (used in this white paper).

Use the command WRKLNK to find the file /www/apachedft/conf/httpd.conf and select option 2 (edit).

Add a script alias and directory section for servicing the Websydian application.

  1. Add a ScriptAlias statement to the configuration file:

    ScriptAlias /Webtutor/Webtutor.exe /qsys.lib/webtutor.lib/cgidtaq.pgm

    /Webtutor/Webtutor.exe" is the URL used to access the Websydian application from a browser.
    "/qsys.lib/webtutor.lib/cgidtaq.pgm" is the program executed by the Web Server.
  2. Add a directory section for the library where the program resides

    <Directory /qsys.lib/webtutor.lib>
        AllowOverride None
        UseCanonicalName Off
        HostNameLookups Off
        Options +ExecCGI
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        CGIConvMode %%EBCDIC/EBCDIC%%

    "Options +ExecCGI" indicates that the Apache server may execute programs from this directory.
    "CGIConvMode %%EBCDIC/EBCDIC%%" indicates that the Apache server is to perform all translation of in- and outbound characters from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice versa.

Add an alias and directory section for servicing images, static HTML pages, Style Sheets, etc.

  1. Add an Alias statement to the configuration file:

    Alias /Webtutor /myfiles/Webtutor

    "/Webtutor" is the alias to use e.g. /Webtutor/myimage.gif.
    "/myfiles/webtutor" is the directory where to find the files.
  2. Add a directory section for the directory where the files reside

    <Directory /myfiles/Webtutor>
        AllowOverride None
        UseCanonicalName Off
        HostNameLookups Off
        Options -ExecCGI
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

    "Option -ExecCGI" makes sure that no execution of files are performed.

Restart the Web Server using the command STRTCPSVR. Always remember to restart the Web Server when configuration files have been changed.


Further Reading / Information

For further information about iSeries and Websydian read this document

For further information about the Apache Web Server go the to following sites

For additional information on the IBM HTTP Web Server please refer to the IBM manual:

Title: HTTP Server for iSeries Webmaster's Guide V4R4
Document Number
: GC41-5434-04.
