
Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - Websydian v6.5

Deploying and operating iSeries Application Services


This document describes how to deploy, operate and troubleshoot the Application Service for iSeries.

It is required that the user deploying the iSeries Application Service has knowledge of the iSeries. Especially with reference to job management.

The Application Service is the component of the Distributed Websydian Architecture that is created by the developer in the Plex development environment. Further information on the Application Service can be found in this document.


Please make sure the following prerequisites have been performed or verified.

OS/400 software

Make sure that the following software are available on the IBM i:

Plex runtime objects

Make sure the Plex runtime objects are installed on the iSeries. Consult the Plex manual on how to install the Plex runtime objects for iSeries.

Websydian runtime objects

Make sure the Websydian runtime objects are installed, including the latest PTFs on the IBM i including the java runtime files for the DWA environment which are to be placed in the integrated file system (IFS).

For further information on installing the Websydian runtime on the IBM i read this document.

Websydian Server deployed and running

Make sure that the Websydian Server has been deployed and is running.

For further information on deployment of the Websydian Server go to the main page of the DWA Deployment Guides.

Check and set data areas

Before starting the iSeries Application Service a number of data areas need to be checked for the correct information. The data areas are supplied with the Websydian iSeries runtime objects with the default settings, it is recommended to copy these data areas to the library of the application.

The data areas and there content are:

Dataarea Description Default value
WSYDDATMSK Date mask used when transferring date fields from input. yyyy/mm/dd
WSYDDECSEP Decimal separator used when transferring numeric fields from input. . (dot)
WSYDPATH Path identifying the location of the document templates. /WSYD600/TEMPLATES/
WSYDTHUSEP Thousand separator used when transferring numeric fields from input. , (comma)
WSYDTMEMSK Time mask used when transferring time fields from input. hh:mm:ss
WSYDTMSMSK Timestamp mask used when transferring timestamp fields from input. yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

After changing the values in these data areas, you must restart the application services or any page that has already been shown will use the old formats.

Create or check the job description to be used

Make sure that a job description is available in order to start the Application Service. We recommend copying the job description WSYDJOBD located in the Websydian runtime library to the library of the application.

Make sure that the job description has the following libraries in the initial library list, adding all other libraries that the application may require.

Replacing the [AppLibrary] by the name of the library of the application and the [PlexLibrary] by the name of the library containing the iSeries Plex runtime objects.

Copy Document Templates to the iSeries

Create the directory specified in the data area WSYDPATH and copy all document templates used by the Application to this directory.

Starting the iSeries Application Service

The iSeries Application Service is started by issuing the command STRAS which is located in the Websydian runtime library.

Submit the iSeries Application Service using the STRAS command followed by F4.

===>WSYD610/STRAS [F4]

                        Start Application Service (STRAS)                       
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Application Service Listener . .   SVCAPP        Character value               
 Websydian Server IP Address  . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .   08189         Number                        
 Application Service IP Address     *LOCALHOST                                  
 Application Service TCP Port . .   03860         Number                        
 Number of Application Services     1             Number                        
 Service name . . . . . . . . . .   DWATUTOR                                    
 Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .   DWATUTOR      Character value               
 Job description  . . . . . . . .   WSYDJOBD      Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     WSYD610     Name                          
 Job queue  . . . . . . . . . . .   QINTER        Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     QGPL        Name                          
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
                        Start Application Service (STRAS)                       
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Init library list  . . . . . . .   *JOBD         Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD...      
 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *CURRENT      Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD         
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
Parameter Default Value Description
Application Service Listener MyAppSvc The implementation name of the function inheriting from ApplicationServiceListener
Websydian Server IP Address *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started. This address together with the TCP port is used by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
Websydian Server TCP Port 08189 The TCP port of the Websydian Server. The port is used together with the IP address by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.
Application Service IP Address *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Application Services are started. This address together with the TCP port is used by the Web Server Component to connect to the Application Services.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
Application Service TCP Port 11001 The TCP port of the first Application Service to be started. The port is used together with the IP address by the Web Server Component to connect to the Application Service.
Number of Application Services 1 The number of Application Services to start starting at the TCP port specified by 'Application Service TCP Port' and incrementing this by one for each additional Application Services started.
Service name SVCNAME The name used to uniquely identify the Application Services started by the Websydian Server and Web Server Component.
Job name DWAAS Job name to be used by the Application Services
Job description WSYD610/WSYDJOBD Job description used for submitting the Application Services to batch
Job queue QGPL/QINTER Job queue used for submitting the Application Services to batch
Init library list *JOBD Initial library list to be used
User *CURRENT The user to be used for submitting the Websydian Server to batch

Verifying that the iSeries Application Service is started

After starting the Application Services verify that they are started and have reported information to the Websydian Server.

Using the command WRKLNK you are able to view the log file of the Websydian Server

===>WRKLNK '/Websydian/WSYD610/logs/*' [Enter]

                             Work with Object Links

 Directory  . . . . :   /websydian/WSYD610/logs

 Type options, press Enter.
 2=Edit   3=Copy   4=Remove   5=Display   7=Rename   8=Display attributes
 11=Change current directory ...

 Opt Object link            Type     Attribute     Text
    wsydsrv.log             STMF

 Parameters or command
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel   F17=Position to
 F22=Display entire field   F23=More options

Select option 5 in front of the wsydsrv.log file for view and press enter.

 Edit File: /websydian/WSYD610/logs/wsydsrv.log                                 
 Record :       1   of       3 by   8            Column :   30     99 by  74    
 Control :                                                                      
CMD 3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....0.... 
 ead-0:INFO] - License info: Websydian Server Unregistered Basic expires at 'Ne
ead-0:INFO] - DWA protocol: Version 2.1. 
ead-0:INFO] - Waiting for connection on 
ead-0:DEBUG] - Receiving... 
ead-2:DEBUG] - Got packet... 
ead-2:DEBUG] - Got PUTTOKEN... 
ead-2:DEBUG] - PUTTOKEN - svcname:EXPRESS timeout:30 sessname:WSYD_SID ipaddr:1
ead-2:INFO] - Token received. Service name: DWAWSYDAPP, IP Address: 192.168.102
 F2=Save   F3=Save/Exit   F12=Exit   F15=Services   F16=Repeat find             
 F17=Repeat change  F19=Left  F20=Right                                          

Input 30 in column and press enter.

The log file shows all communication with the Websydian Server, note this is only the case when log level is set to TRACE. Make sure that the log holds information about the packages PUTTOKEN identifying all Application Services started. Please note that the log information above is an example.

If the information is not in the log file or the log file is not present please proceed to the Troubleshooting the iSeries Application Service section of this document.

Stopping the iSeries Application Services

The iSeries Application Service is stopped by issuing the command ENDAS which is located in the Websydian runtime library.

Stop the iSeries Application Service using the ENDAS command followed by F4.

===>WSYD610/ENDAS [F4]
                         End Application Service (ENDAS)                        
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Websydian home directory . . . .   '/websydian/wsyd610'                        
 Websydian Server IP Address  . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .   08189         Number                        
 Application Service IP Address     *ALL                                        
 Application Service TCP Port . .   *ALL          Number, *ALL                  
 Web Server Component IP Addr.  .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Web Server Component TCP Port  .   12000         Number                        
 Service Name . . . . . . . . . .   DWATUTOR                                    
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
Parameter Default Value Description
Websydian home directory /websydian/wsyd610 Directory in the IFS where required Websydian runtime objects are located
Websydian Server IP Address *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started. This address together with the TCP port is used by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
Websydian Server TCP Port 08189 The TCP port of the Websydian Server. The port is used together with the IP address by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.
Application Service IP Address *ALL The IP address of the machine where the Application Services are started, that you would like to end.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
  • *ALL indicates that all Application Services with specified service name will be ended.
Application Service TCP Port *ALL The TCP port of the Application Service you would like to end.

Valid values are:

  • A valid TCP Port number
  • *ALL indicating that all Application Services will be ended.
Web Server Component IP Addr *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Web Server Component is located.

Valid values are:

  • A valid host name
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
  • *CGI Indicates that the Websydian Web Server Component used is an CGI based version why we will not try to communicate with it.
Web Server Component TCP Port 12009 The TCP Port of the command port used by the Websydian Web Server Component to accept command requests.
Service name SVCNAME The name used to uniquely identify the Application Services started by the Websydian Server and Web Server Component.

Restarting the Application Service

The iSeries Application Service can be restarted by issuing the command RSTAS which is located in the Websydian runtime library. The RSTAS will end and then start each of the Application Services one by one which will make the restart not visible to the users of the web site.

Submit the iSeries Application Service using the STRAS command followed by F4.

===>WSYD610/RSTAS [F4]
                      Restart Application Services (RSTAS)                      
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Websydian home directory . . . .   '/websydian/wsyd610'                        
 Application Service Listener . .   SVCAPP        Character value               
 Websydian Server IP Address  . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Websydian Server TCP Port  . . .   08189         Number                        
 Web Server Component IP Addr . .   *LOCALHOST                                  
 Web Server Component TCP Port  .   08189         Number                        
 Application Service IP Address     *LOCALHOST                                  
 Application Service TCP Port . .   03860         Number                        
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
                      Restart Application Services (RSTAS)                      
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Number of services . . . . . . .   1             Number                        
 Service name . . . . . . . . . .   DWATUTOR                                    
 Job name . . . . . . . . . . . .   DWATUTOR      Character value               
 Job description  . . . . . . . .   WSYDJOBD      Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     WSYD610     Name                          
 Job queue  . . . . . . . . . . .   QINTER        Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     QGPL        Name                          
 Init library list  . . . . . . .   *JOBD         Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD...      
 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *CURRENT      Name, *CURRENT, *JOBD         
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
Parameter Default Value Description
Websydian home directory /websydian/wsyd610 Directory in the IFS where required Websydian runtime objects are located
Application Service Listener MyAppSvc The implementation name of the function inheriting from ApplicationServiceListener
Websydian Server IP Address *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started. This address together with the TCP port is used by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
Websydian Server TCP Port 08189 The TCP port of the Websydian Server. The port is used together with the IP address by the Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.
Web Server Component IP Addr *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Web Server Component is located.

Valid values are:

  • A valid host name
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
  • *CGI Indicates that the Websydian Web Server Component used is an CGI based version why we will not try to communicate with it.
Web Server Component TCP Port 12009 The TCP Port of the command port used by the Websydian Web Server Component to accept command requests.
Application Service IP Address *LOCALHOST The IP address of the machine where the Application Services are started. This address together with the TCP port is used by the Web Server Component to connect to the Application Services.

Valid values are:

  • The host name of the iSeries
  • An IP Address located on the iSeries (IP/v4 or IP/v6)
  • *LOCALHOST indicating local IP Address
Application Service TCP Port 11001 The TCP port of the first Application Service to be started. The port is used together with the IP address by the Web Server Component to connect to the Application Service.
Number of Application Services 1 The number of Application Services to start starting at the TCP port specified by 'Application Service TCP Port' and incrementing this by one for each additional Application Services started.
Service name SVCNAME The name used to uniquely identify the Application Services started by the Websydian Server and Web Server Component.
Job name DWAAS Job name to be used by the Application Services
Job description WSYD610/WSYDJOBD Job description used for submitting the Application Services to batch
Job queue QGPL/QINTER Job queue used for submitting the Application Services to batch
Init library list *JOBD Initial library list to be used
User *CURRENT The user to be used for submitting the Websydian Server to batch

Troubleshooting the iSeries Application Service

When troubleshooting the iSeries Application Service check for  the following:

  1. Make sure that the job has been submitted and is not waiting in the job queue.
  2. Check if the job has ended successfully or abnormally. This can be checked by viewing the messages of the user submitting the job.
    Use the command DSPMSG to view the messages of a particular user.

    ===>DSPMSG <username> [Enter]

  3. If the job is not active, or has ended abnormally, or successfully check the output queue QEZJOBLOG for any spool files pertaining the job running the iSeries Application Service.

    Use the command WRKOUTQ to view the contents of the output queue QEZJOBLOG


The joblog created by the iSeries often shows the reason for the end of the iSeries Application Service. This is a list of the most common errors:

Job Description error, user not correct, library list incorrect etc.

Change the job description used and start the iSeries Application Service again.

The iSeries Application Service reports a Websydian error message

A complete list of possible errors are located here, for the most often seen errors see below: