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WsySoap Glossary

Definitions of terms

Term Definition
Publisher The party receiving a SOAP request. A Publisher can return a SOAP Response to the Subscriber.

The Publisher uses the SoapProcessor function to handle the communication with the Subscriber. The SoapProcessor handles the Publisher side of the SOAP dialog, by handling the SOAP Message and passing the SOAP Payload of the SOAP Message to the proper XmlHandler function. After the called XmlHandler has finished processing of the SOAP Payload, the SoapProcessor generates a response and returns it to the Subscriber.

Subscriber The party submitting a SOAP request

The function that takes care of generating the SOAP Message and processing the SOAP dialog for the Subscriber is the SoapGenerator. The SoapGenerator takes as input the parameters needed to connect to the Publisher, as well as the payload of the message. The SoapGenerator uses the Websydian HTTP-client to communicate with the Publisher of the Web Service.

SOAP Message The XML document conforming to the SOAP Standard, sent between the Publisher and the Subscriber. The term SOAP Message us used to describe the XML documents sent in both directions. 
SOAP Request The SOAP Message sent from the Subscriber to the Publisher, initiating a SOAP Conversation.
SOAP Response The SOAP Message sent from the Publisher to the Subscriber as a response to a SOAP Request.
SOAP Dialog The exchange of  SOAP Messages between a Subscriber and a Publisher. A SOAP Dialog is always initiated by the Subscriber.
SOAP Payload The XML document wrapped in the SOAP Message, carrying the data both in SOAP Requests and SOAP Responses. The SOAP Payload is always contained in the <Body> tag of the XML document (as specified in the SOAP Standard).