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WsySoap Tutorial


The tutorial is split into two separate parts.

The first part shows how you can call a web service that someone else provides. In other words, you will be the client that will call a service. In a web service context, this is commonly known as being a subscriber to or a consumer of a web service.

The second part shows how you can publish a web service that other parties can access. In a web service context, this is commonly known as being a provider or a publisher of a web service.

These two main parts of the tutorial has been made as two separate self-contained documents. This means that if you only are going to implement one of these roles - you will only have to go through the appropriate document. This also means that if you are going to implement both of these roles, there will be parts of the two documents that are redundant.

The tutorial shows how you can implement a SOAP based web service. At the end of the tutorial, the changes necessary for implementing a non-SOAP web service will be outlined.

Implementing a call to an existing web service

Providing a web service