Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5


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The PageGenerator must inherit from this function when you want to show a grid on the page.


Let your own grid page inherit from this function and replace the view UIBasic.Grid with your own view to determine the content of the grid. Replace the function UIBasic.Grid.BlockFetch to specify the function fetching the data for the grid.

The GridPageForProcess function supports a special replacement marker you can insert in your template to determine the number of rows in the grid.

If you insert a replacement marker /(ROWS-nnn) before the grid (nnn must be numeric), the grid will contain the number of rows specified by nnn.

You should use the following format in order to hide the replacement marker when editing HTML templates in an HTML editor.


Special considerations

Consider whether you should use the abstract WebGridPageForProcess function instead.

More information