Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Maintain Folder Lists


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Templates→Folder Lists

Using this functionality you will be able to maintain the folder lists defining which HTML templates should be accessed.

Folder lists are used to decide where to look for HTML templates and works a lot like library lists on iSeries. A folder list is a number of existing folders listed in prioritized order. When searching for HTML templates the top folder is searched first, then the next folder and so on until an HTML template is found.

Each folder list basically consists of two different parts.

1. Some basic information (name and description).

2. A sequence of existing folders determining the order in which processes using the folder list should search folders for a specific template.

The maintenance of the folder lists will therefore be a bit different from the other basic data.

Grid Page

The grid is ordered by the name of the folder list.

Entering a value in the "Search for" field and pressing Find will limit the contents of the grid to the records where the name contains the entered value.

Entering a value in the "Start with" field positions the list based on the name.


Pressing "Update" will lead you to a wizard controlling the creation and update of the folder list.


When you press "Delete" it will first be validated whether any users refer to the folder list.

If the folder list is being used you will not be allowed to delete it.

If the folder list is not being used a confirmation page is shown, where you can chose to either confirm or cancel the deletion.


Pressing "Insert" leads you to the same wizard function as for update.


Folder list

The name of the folder list. This field is case sensitive. Therefore you can have one folder called Websydian and another called websydian.


This field contains a textual description of the folder list.