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Folder List Wizard


The Folder List Wizard function will guide you through the necessary steps for either creating a new folder list or updating an existing folder list.

You can read more about the functionality of wizard functions here.

The wizard will lead you through the following steps:

Basic Folder List Information
Enter or update the basic information for the folder list.
Handle Folder Sequence
Change the sequence of the folders in the folder list, add new folders to the folder list, remove folders from the folder list or change the information for the relation between the folder and the folder list.
Add Folder - Select
If you want to add a new folder to the list you will start a small sub wizard. The first step here is to select the folder you want to add to the folder list.

Step 1: Basic Folder List Information

On this panel you can specify the most basic information for the folder list. If the wizard has been started for update, the values will be pre-filled with the values for the existing record.

If you have changed some of this information and do not need to update other information for the folder list, you must press Next in order to save your changes.

Step 2: Handle Folder Sequence

This is the main panel of the wizard.

It consists of a grid showing all the folders, which is presently part of the folder list.

The sequence, which the folders are shown in, will also be the sequence used when a template is found using the folder list. The topmost folder is the one, that will be searched first.

On this page you have a number of options in addition to the standard wizard actions Back, Cancel, and Finish.


Used when you want to add a new folder to the folder list. The functionality, this activates is described below

After adding a folder to the folder list, it is always placed in the end of the folder list.

The Add button will not be shown if the folder list already contains all the folders defined in the system.


Removes the folder from the folder list.

Move Up

Moves the chosen folder one position up in the folder list.

Move Down

Moves the chosen folder one position down in the folder list.


Each folder can contain information about where to find java script and style sheet files.

However, in some situations you might want to override these values for the use of a folder in a specific folder list.

As well as overriding these values, when adding the folder to the folder list, you might want to override the values or change the existing override for a folder already placed in the folder list.

This page gives you the opportunity to update these two fields.

If you chose to override the values, they are only overridden for this folder in this folder list.

Step 3: Add Folder - Select

This step adds a folder to the folder list.

Press the Select button to select a folder.

Please note that pressing "Cancel" will only exit the "Add Folder" part of the wizard - not the Folder List wizard - you will just be returned to the Handle Folder Sequence page.


The following fields are available:

Folder list

This is the name you will use to refer to the folder list, when you want to assign a folder list to e.g. a user.

It is only possible to specify a value for the ID when the wizard is used for creating a new folder list. The field is not shown, when running the wizard for update of an existing folder list.

Folder list description

A text description of the folder list.