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Introduction Implementing Background
A DWA Websydian application is designed and developed like a standard Websydian application with a Dispatcher function and a number of Page Generator functions and Event Handlers implementing the HTML pages and the events (HTML buttons or links) in the application.
The only difference now is that an additional listener job - the Application Service Listener (also known as Application Listener function) - must be specified to accept connections from the Relay Service. To create this function, inherit from the WSYBASE/ApplicationServiceListener function.
Create the following triples (replace MySessionControl with the Session Control implemented in the model - if Session Control is implemented):
MyListener | is a FNC | WSYBASE/ApplicationServiceListener MySessionControl.Abstract.ApplicationServiceListener |
calls FNC | MyDispatcher | |
impl name NME | DWASvc | |
file name NME | DWASvc |
In the Call to EventDispatcher edit point, insert a call to the Dispatcher function and give the Application Service Listener function a meaningful implementation and file name.
If Session Control is implemented the ApplicationServiceListener must inherit from the abstract ApplicationServiceListener placed under Abstract in the implemented Session Control entity.
Before you generate and build the application, remember to set the variant for the WSYBASE library model to the desired DWA variant, e.g. DWA - Windows.
Generate and build the objects contained in the subject area specific for your choice of variant. Please refer to Generate and Build Considerations for more details.
For information on how to configure the Generate and Build settings please refer to Setting up Your AllFusion Plex Environment.
Please refer to the installation section for details on how to deploy, setup and configure a DWA system.
The Application Service Listener must be configured correctly when deployed. Please refer to the Application Service Options document for further information on configuration.
Before you generate and build the entire application, remember to set the version to 6.0 RPG and the level to 6.0.
If the variant used is DWA - Windows, it is necessary to create an EXE-wrapper for the Application Listener Function to launch the Application Service Listener.